Chapter 54, "Long nights"

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Jayda's POV

the next day....

Yesterday was really nice for the girls and I. We all really enjoyed it, especially Kara and I with both of us being pregnant and all. My husband and Zayn were out for hours even after returned. If it was anybody else with Harry I wouldn't care, but it was the fact that it was Zayn and those two.....I don't even know what those two are.

Harry even started playing around with me and walked into the house with a limp. Obviously he got cussed out by both Kara and I and then confessed he was joking. I am happy that he's happy though. I know it's taken him a minute to get to this place in his life and I'm just glad I'm apart of it.

Right now, we were laying in bed and he was fast asleep on his tummy the way he always is. I for some reason couldn't fall asleep, but I don't mind. I was having fun watching him sleep so peacefully looking like the angel he is; until he isn't. I rubbed my stomach as I laid on my side, staring at him with a smile on my face.

He began to hum lowly and it was a melody so sweet. Even in his sleep. I used my left hand to stroke his shorten curls softly and his eyes fluttered open when my hand stroked across his forehead.

"I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to wake you." I whispered.

"It's okay. Don't stop please. It felt nice." he mumbled.

"Okay my little baby." I smiled, and continued my fiddling.

"Why are up love?" he asked tiredly.

"I don't know truthfully. I guess I just couldn't sleep, so I decided to get lost in your beauty." I smiled.

"Well please do continue to soak it in." he smirked.

"I think I will. Hey, I was wondering....what do you want to do for your birthday?"

"Birthday? Jayda it's only January."

"I know, but February will be here before you know it."

"Well can we talk about it at a more reasonable hour?" he asked. "I'm tired."

"Yes we sure you're tired?" I whispered slowly.

"I'm positive." he murmured, not even realizing what I was hinting at.

"H...." I said, moving my hand from my stomach and to his bare back.

Harry's eyes popped back open as I continued to move up and down his spine teasingly.

"Baby, how tired are you exactly?" I asked.

I took his face in my hand and placed a soft peck on his lips. I looked into his emerald colored eyes that had just a hint of darkness in the corners and watched as he moved to his side so that he could enjoy my lips more.

"I guess I can stay up for a little longer." he smirked.

"Only a little?" I pouted.

Harry sat up and me along with him. I was already naked due to it being more comfortable to not sleep in any clothes at all when pregnant. He ushered me to sit on top of him and I did as instructed, wrapping my arms around his neck. He lifted me up with one of his arms and pulled down his boxers. He slowly let me lower onto him as I gasped at impact.

"Mmmm...oh fuck." I moaned.

"What a dirty mouth you have there Mrs. Styles." he smiled playfully.

"Only for you Mr. Styles." I hummed.

"Oh fuck Jayda you know what that does to me. Call me that again baby." he groaned.

"Mr. Styles." I moaned helplessly.

"That's my girl."

He flipped positions with me so that I was now pinned down under him. He filled my insides with him as I cried out. I tried my best to muffle my moans but it was no use until Harry made me bite on the pillow.

I watched as Harry rolled his eyes back while he continued to pound into me. Actual tears came flowing to my eyes which has never happened before, at least no to Harry's face. I usually just wait to let out my tears, but I couldn't this time. It was too powerful, too damn good too.

"Harry...." I yelped.

"Sshhhh. I need you to be quite for me."

"I.....I can't." I cried. I could tell Harry was having a ball watching me cry under his strokes, but he continued his torture.

I finished like four times under him but he didn't stop there.

"I should've just let you sleep." I whined as he scooted down my legs and began to torture me with his tongue.

My hands rummaged through his hair wildly and he literally slurped me like a popsicle. Yup....definitely just should've let the man sleep.

"Ughhhh.....god." I moaned.

"He has nothing to do with this baby." he said, holding my position in place by gripping my thighs.

I sat up on my elbows to watch him work. I'm not going to sit here and lie like watching him between my legs isn't the most sexiest thing I've ever seen. I let one of my hands travel back to his head and pushed him deeper into me, but at the same time wanting him to go back up.

My legs began to shake crazily but Harry paid no mind to them. Instead. he decided it would be a good idea to stick three of his thick long fingers inside of me. I fell back instantly, gripping the sheets and arching my back. Messing with him I'm going to need a wheelchair.

He watched me with a smile as I completely lost it and came once again along with some other juices. He ran a single thumb over my aching and throbbing spot and kissed it gently. I moved his face up to mine so I could give him a long kiss.

My legs were absolutely broken. There was no moving them correctly anytime soon, but I still found a way to scoot down and pleasure him; taking all of him in my mouth. I swear this man be growing, but I guess that must just be me.

He finished in my mouth within a matter of minutes and I sprawled out next to him. Tears were still spilling from my eyes uncontrollably.

"Are you okay?" Harry panted with a smirk on his face.

"What...what do you think?" I asked, gaining a laugh from him.

"I'm sorry baby. I guess I just got lost....inside you." he chuckled, scooting next to me.

"I don't know if I want you touching me anymore." I said teasingly, but very serious.

"Oh don't be like that. We both know you had fun." he smiled, spooning me and moving his hand to grip my breast.

His hand surfaced down my body and back to my area. How is this man not satisfied? I laid flat on my back with one leg up and his fingers circled me softly.

"You are the devil." I mumbled.

"Mhmm..." he hummed, watching himself torture me.

30 minutes later...

I was full on sweating and crying again. "I mean it. Don't. Ever. Touch. Me Again." I said.

"Whatever you say my love." he smirked, kissing my temple.

For some reason he was completely irresistible. Even when I truly do want him to stop touching, his lips look so advertising and plump. So pink and soft.

"Okay I guess you can hold me to sleep." I gave on, turning around to give him one more kiss.

We finally both fell asleep after the long long night we just had. I'm pretty sure it was the hormones making me feel this way, but I just wanted more even with the nonfunctional legs I have now due to wanting more.

He cradled me in his arms as his soft hums returned, relaxing me to sleep as well.

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