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The song of the chapter is Act My Age by One Direction.


Chapter Nine: Surprise!

It's been three days since I learned about who I was and a month since I became an Avenger. Loki nor Anglos have struck since then which I find odd, but the rest of the team think of it as a break. Which is why we are currently staying at Tony's Los Angeles home.

They had some sort of a surprise for me. Yeah, all of them, even Steve. After the video he warmed up to me, now knowing why I was the way I was and knowing I had a bad past like him.

I was hanging by the poolside with Clint, Natasha and Steve. I was the only one not in the water. Their voices filled my ears and then were swept away by the slight breeze in the air.

I was tanning when my body was lifted into the air and thrown over a shoulder, a squeal leaving my lips. I bent my neck to see blonde hair, "Steven Rogers, put me down!" I pounded on his, very, muscular back.

He looked at me, a mischievous look in his blue eyes, "Whatever you say Aurora."

My body flew through the air, smacking the water and sinking to the bottom of the pool. The entire reason I wasn't swimming was because I couldn't. I started freaking out, trying to paddle myself to the surface.

"Swim idiot swim!" Chaos shouted inside my head.

I tried paddling upwards. Someone jumped in after me and pulled me upwards with an arm wrapped around my torso. I broke through the surface with a gasp of air and flailing arms.

"Aurora, I'm so sorry! I didn't know you couldn't swim." Steve held my upper body above the water.

"It's fine. I probably should've told you before we got out here." I climbed onto Steve's back and he pulled both of us out of the water.

Tony came walking out the back door and smiled at me, "It's time for your surprise Rory. Go get dressed and we'll head off."


I pulled on a Mickey Mouse shirt (which was my favorite), a random pair of denim shorts and my black converse. I quickly fishtail braided my hair and pulled my locket over my head. I stuffed a Cupcake Batter flavored chapstick into my pocket and grabbed a pair of sunglasses.

I met the Avengers down stairs where a limo was waiting. My jaw dropped and I looked at Tony, "No way?" Tony nodded and held the door open for me. I quickly climbed in, followed by Steve and the rest of the gang, Tony being the last one in.

"So where are we going?" I was practically bouncing in my seat.

Tony just laughed and shook his head, "What part of surprise do you not understand?"

"The surprise part?"

"Mr. Stark, we'll be there in five minutes." The driver said.

I plastered my face to the window and ignored the laughter of my friends. I watched palm tree after palm tree whiz by and then I let out a childish squeal. "Disneyland?!" I turned to Tony with wide eyes.

"Yup. I saw that you loved Disney stuff so much, so here we are, Disneyland." He gestured with his hands to the large park in front of us.

"Tony rented out the entire park. All the S.H.I.E.L.D agents with kids are here too." Natasha explained.

"Wow." I scrambled out of the limo as fast as I could and came face to face with Mickey himself. A small squeal of pure happiness left my lips and I hugged him, feeling like a toddler in a candy store.

"You're free to do whatever you want. It's all on me." Tony did a grand gesture with his arms.

I took Steve's hand, he was currently holding my camera, and took off into the park.


Aurora's adventure continues in the next chapter.

This is inspired by the fact that I get to take my own trip to Disney. Whoop whoop!


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