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The song of the chapter is (I know I've already used it) Scared by Three Days Grace.


Chapter Twenty-One: Memories

"Alec, come back, we weren't given the order to move in yet!" I whispered yelled at my best friend.

He rushed to another wall a few feet ahead and pressed himself against it. Alec signaled for me to do the same. "It's been twenty minutes Isis, they should have given us orders already."

I rolled my eyes, "You're going to get yourself killed one of these days, Sousa."


"ALEC!!" I watched in horror as my best friend took fire.

We had been under attack, no soldiers coming to our aid, just Alec and I. We were out numbered by a hundred. It was supposed to be an ordinary search-and-destroy mission, but the enemy were lying in wait.

I rushed forward only to be pushed backwards by the blast of a missile. A crater was created twenty feet in front of me, smoke billowing from the hole. I stared in horror at Sousa lying lifelessly on the ground on the other side of the crater.

Enemy soldiers stalked towards him and I scrambled upward, throwing my fists out and hitting the soldiers with red blasts of something. When I made it to Alec, his arm was missing and part of his face was covered in burns.

Sobs wracked my body while tears slid down my face. I was so worked up that a red glow started surrounding us and then it burst, killing five of my own soldiers who came to help.

I woke up with a scream, sweat soaking my shirt and hair. Something stirred in the chair beside my bed and I screamed again, throwing my fist out. The thing grunted and fell backward. I lit up my room with fire and flinched, "Sorry."

"It's alright, Aurora." Steve looked at me from the floor and smiled, "Bad dream?"

"Bad memory." I sighed and flopped back onto my bed, "Real bad memory."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Steve sat on the edge of my bed, dipping the mattress down.

I looked over at him, "It was the day Alec died. We were on a ordinary search-and-destroy mission. We were told that the village had been abandoned, the information was inaccurate and we had been ambushed. The others came to late. A missile had been launched and it killed Sousa and almost me. His arm was missing and half his face covered in burns. It was the first day I realized I had powers."

My hand ran down my face and turned away from Steve, "I killed five of my own men that day and was dropped from the army."

Fingers began running through my hair, "I'm so sorry Aurora."

"I...I never forgave myself." I rolled over to face Steve, "It was the first time I let Chaos take control. I murdered an entire village."

"Hey, that wasn't you. Chaos took advantage of you and used your weakness against you." Steve smiled, "You have us and I promise you, Chaos will never hurt any of us."

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