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The song of the chapter is So Cold by Breaking Benjamin.


Chapter Twenty-Five: Control

I stared at the files in front of me, shuffling through them for the hundredth time, searching for something that wasn't there. "JARVIS?"

"Yes Miss Caine?"

I sighed and ran my hand down my face in frustration, "Search the name Gabriel Krum please."

"Of course." It took a few minutes but JARVIS responded with little to nothing. "I'm sorry Miss Caine, there's not much in any data base for Gabriel Krum."

I shifted through some of the things on the files JARVIS uploaded to my tablet, "I know. Thanks for trying JARVIS." I let out another sigh and set down the tablet, entering the kitchen for a cup of coffee and something to munch on.

As I was pouring my coffee Steve entered the room and smiled at me, "Hey Aurora. How's it going?"

I took a sip, ignoring the burning, "Good. Just trying to figure some things out." I grabbed my blueberry muffin and coffee and made my way back to the couch, "How was your run?" I asked through a mouthful of muffin.

Steve laughed and took a sip of water before answering, "Good. I think I've officially annoyed Sam."

"Why's that?" I looked over at him, watching as he crossed the room to the chair sat next to the couch.

"Because I run faster and every time I pass him I say 'On your left' and he gets really frustrated."

I laughed loudly almost spitting out my coffee, "Oh my god. That's great! I'm going to have to pick on him for that."

Steve shook his head in amusement, "He's going to kill you." He laughed and walked back to his room.

A few minutes later I heard the shower turn on and his loud singing. He thinks I can't hear him, but I'll never tell him I can. It's too damn amusing.

Something caught my attention in my peripheral and I turned my head to look only to see Chaos. She stood, smirking at me. "What are you-" I never got to finish my question. Something hard hit the back of my head, causing my vision to swim in darkness and my body to fall forward.


I woke up in my head. Literally. I was where Chaos usually resided when I was in control. I could tell because it smelt like a musty basement and the only thing in the room was an armchair.

I don't remember much except hearing Steve sing and then seeing Chaos - OH MY GOD! I looked around frantically, but Chaos was nowhere to be seen. Which only meant one horrible thing. She was in control.


I smirked into the mirror. Being in control felt amazing after being dormant for SO long. I flexed every part of my body, loving the feeling of my bones popping and twisting.

My image suddenly split into two and one was frowning, "Oh don't give me that look. I was getting cramped in that pretty head of yours."

"Why are you doing this? Let me back in control Chaos." Aurora glared at me, her arms crossed.

I went to answer but Gabriel walked into the room and stood beside me, shattering the image of Aurora. "Is she here?"

"Nope." I popped the 'p' and turned to him, my arms wrapping around his neck, "How about you and I have a little fun?" A smirk stretched out across my face as Gabriel's eyes turned dark.

Gabriel shoved me against the wall beside my mirror and bit at my neck...

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