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The song of the chapter is My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy.


Chapter Twenty-Three: Who

"Just last week newest Avenger, Aurora Caine aka Isis, had a breakdown during a press conference. After reporter, Jane Goodman, asked some personal questions that seemed to take their toll on the young Avenger. This clip from the conference shows Aurora having a stand off with an unknown source." The news caster played a clip of me yelling at Chaos during the conference.

Clinton walked in, "Why are you watching this Rory?" He walked over and clicked off the TV.

"Because I looked like a fool." I turned and looked at him, we had grown pretty close after he was shot.

"Rory, no you didn't. You can't help that Chaos lives within your mind. Just keep going to the Therapist. We'll get rid of her I promise." He smiled at me and left with the TV remote.

I sighed and walked to my room, grabbing my sketchbook and heading to the roof. It was my favorite place to sketch.

As I sat on the ledge of Tony's landing zone, I watch the sun rise above the buildings, casting them in light. I looked down at my book and began finishing my earlier sketch of the team. Without me of course.

I never drew myself, always fearing it would mirror Chaos rather than myself. I stuck to my friends and buildings and other things.

The sun started to set when I began my last drawing, not really remembering drawing others. Shadows began casting over the city and over myself as the sun sank below the skyline.

As I walked inside, I flipped threw the other pictures. I instantly dropped the sketchbook and backed away from it. Steve ran over to me and frantically asked me what was wrong. I pointed a shaky finger at the notebook.


I was sitting in the living room of Aurora and I's floor watching a movie about World War 2 when Aurora came in flipping through her sketchbook. Her face changed in an instant and she quickly dropped the book.

I ran over to her, "Aurora, what's wrong?" She didn't speak, she only pointed a shaky finger at the sketchbook laying on the floor.

I went and picked it up, the first few were of us and then some animals and cities, but then beauty changed to horror. Drawings of Aurora standing over our dead, mutilated bodies and some of whom I believe is Alec.

"What is this Aurora?"

"I-I don't know. I don't remember drawing them." Her fist clenched as well as her jaw, "Chaos must've made me black out. She made me ghost draw."

I flipped to a drawing and handed it to her, "Is this Alec?"

Aurora nodded, "I used to draw him a lot after he was dead. That was my favorite drawing." She smiled slightly, "It was after a search-and-destroy mission in Iraq. We were there for weeks and Alec was complaining that he hadn't gotten to shave in forever. I told him I liked the 5 o'clock shadow look and asked if I could draw him. He said yes of course because he loved people giving him attention, especially for his looks. That was a month before he died."

"He looked like a brave soldier."

"He was the best of the best. Had the chance to become a Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps but he denied."


She smiled, "He didn't want to leave me behind." Aurora clutched the book to her chest, "I'm going to go to my room. I'll talk to you later Steve." And she was up the stairs.


I shut the door behind me and faced the mirror, "Why did you do it?"

Chaos stepped apart from my image, "Do what?" I flipped to the drawings and showed her. "Yeah, I didn't do those. They're dark, even for me."

"But the other day you told me I'd kill them all."

She waved her hand around, dismissing what I just stated, "Yeah, yeah, but I still wouldn't draw those. Actually without you in control, we can't draw at all."

I stared at her, "Then who could of done this?" I paced in front of the mirror, "I don't remember drawing these, so someone had to have messed with my mind."

Chaos placed her hands on her hip and cocked her head to the side, "But who?"

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