05- You're my family too

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~Suga's POV~

My mom texted me saying Y/N was at home and I sighed in relief. I was leaving the gym when I saw her bag lying on the floor. I quickly walked over and grabbed it, slinging it over my shoulder. On my way to class, I was lost in thought. 'She's back' 

I, unfortunately, know what happens every time Y/N's mom comes to check-in. It always ends in disaster. Y/N means the world to me and to my family. I felt awful when I couldn't help. I sat down in class, an empty seat to my left where Y/N would be.

I was bouncing my leg anxiously. "You okay?" I hadn't even noticed that Daichi had walked in, let alone when he sat down. I was about to respond when I heard an excessive buzzing coming from Y/N's bag. I unzipped it and saw her phone at the bottom of her bag. 

Y/N always trusted me with her things, including her phone, so it was normal for me to have the password. I unlocked it and saw her teammates messaging her non-stop. 

I heard my phone buzz shortly after

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I heard my phone buzz shortly after. It was Keitaro asking me if Y/N was at school. I shot her a quick reply and put Y/N's phone back in her bag.

 I shot her a quick reply and put Y/N's phone back in her bag

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I noticed a picture at the bottom of her bag too. Well, two pieces of a picture. I pulled it out and saw the photo Y/N and I took last year at the semifinals. She was on my back and smiling bigger than she ever had before, I wore a pretty big smile too. 

"Suga?" I snapped out of it and looked over at Daichi. "Sorry, what?" "I asked what happened to Y/N this morning? Kiyoko said she came running into the gym upset and she won't respond to my texts." 

"It's not my place to say, I'm sorry." He nodded and got back to his work. I could see him occasionally glance at his phone, waiting for a reply. "Her phone's right here in her bag, so she won't respond." "Oh," He said putting it back in his bag. After class, I stopped by my locker and put a few of my books away and putting Y/N's bag inside too. 

The rest of the day flew by but it was pretty boring. Y/N always managed to brighten everyone's day by just being her normal cheery, warm self. If I thought Hinata was a ball of sunshine then I don't know what Y/N is. Sure she has a temper and can be sarcastic but her heart is beyond pure. 

Her presence just brings out the best in people, myself included. I was pretty distracted at practice. We weren't doing much but I couldn't stop thinking about her. 

'Did I let her down? Is she okay? Does she need me?' My thoughts stopped when Daichi called practice. I was kind of surprised seeing as we had only been here for maybe an hour but the atmosphere was gloomy, to say the least. 

I grabbed my bag, not bothering to change, and went back to my regular locker to grab Y/N's bag. I had even stopped by all of her classes earlier to collect her homework, although she only really had math and English.

I was leaving the school when Daichi ran up to me. "Hey, I don't know what's going on but can you at least let me know if she's okay?" I'm not sure what was up with the two of them. First the texts, then he was concerned about where she was. I figured it wasn't my place to ask. One of them will tell me eventually.

"I'll let you know when I get home. Goodnight Daichi" I was walking away when my phone rang.


"Oh good, honey, can you stop by the store and get some medicine?"

"Sure. But why do we need medicine?" 

"Poor Y/N isn't feeling very good."

I hung up and immediately took off running to the store. Y/N isn't one to get sick, I swear her immune system is made of steel. But everything gets messed up when her mom's in town.


I ran through the door and saw my mom in the kitchen. I knew Y/N was in my room. That's the only place she stays when she's over, well besides when she's helping mom in the kitchen or playing with my brother in the backyard. I kicked off my shoes, leaving them by the door, and went upstairs.

 I knocked but didn't get an answer. I cautiously walked in to see Y/N wasn't in bed. I saw the trashcan over by the bed, and a tray with some bandages, a bowl full of rice, and a cup of what I'm guessing is tea. I set the bag down and saw my bathroom light on.

Walking towards it I could hear Y/N retching. I knocked on the door and walked in. She was curled up on the floor, her head over the toilet. She looked really pale but her face was extremely flushed. 

She sat up a little and got closer to the bowl. I walked over, crouching beside her, and held her hair back as she threw up. I rubbed circles on her back for a few minutes before she sat back. It looked like she was done for now so I flushed the toilet and gently picked her up, carrying her back to my bed.

I slipped the covers over her since she was shivering. I felt her forehead and she was burning up. I walked back to the bathroom and dampened a rag. I placed it on her head and pulled out the medicine I had bought. 

"Kōshi, I don't feel very good." Her voice was soft. "I know." I sat her up a little and poured the medicine into her mouth. She mumbled a few words before falling asleep. I tucked her in a little before going back downstairs. 

"Hey, mom?" I asked as I popped into the kitchen. "Yes honey" "Can you inform the office she won't be in for a few days?" "Is she still not feeling well?" I shook my head. "No,  she has a fever and was throwing up." "Poor dear. Would you like for me to call you out as well?" She asked as she turned to me. "Just for tomorrow" My mom hummed in response. 

"Mom, do we have any more soup?" I asked as I looked through the cabinets. "If there's none in there then we must be out." I huffed a little. My mom was on her way out and I didn't want to leave Y/N, especially right now but she probably needs to eat. An idea popped into my head and I went back upstairs. 

I pulled my phone out of my bag and called Daichi.


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