The Great Begining

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I snapped back into reality with a jolt as someone bumped into me on the crowded platform of 9 3/4. I stumbled but couldn't help slightly smiling at the calm chaos. I was honestly a bit rambunctious with the thought of returning to Hogwarts. To my home.

As I packed away my trunk I steadied myself and stood on my toes to see if I could catch a glimpse of fire red hair. nothing, 'she must already be on the train'. I inquired. As I made my way through the crowd and onto the train I grew more tired as I had to wake up at 5 am to make the train.

As the train set off I soon perked up and was eagerly passing the compartments and caught a glimpse of red. I whipped the door open.

"Oh Lily you have no id-." I stopped myself abruptly, and looked to see Arthur Weasley, a 6th year boy who was becoming quite friendly with another one of my mates, Molly.

He looked at me slightly wide eyed and very much confused.

"I- um. Well-, I-. Goodbye".  I said with and sheepish smile as I slid the door shut. I'd never been great at talking to peers.

As the embarrassment set in and I then took off down the corridor, this time being watchful for which compartment i'd open next.

This time I saw a person who was actually Lily minding her own business, looking out the window. I slid open the door and immediately she jumped up and I embraced her.

"Y/N FINALLY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH." She exclaimed as she let go of me.

I stopped and looked at her narrowing my eyes.

"How many." I asked. She looked puzzled for a moment before she answered,

"16". with an annoyed look, but she seemed to be sporting a light pink on her cheeks.

"Ahh seems Potters set a new record". I said with a smirk as I sat down.

Lily and I had been counting the amount of confessional letters that James Potter would send her every summer for the past 4 years. I almost felt bad for him since he was hopelessly in love with her, although I had a feeling she might be falling for him a bit. James Potter was a part of the marauders, an infamous group known at Hogwarts that consisted of him, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus lupin.  I never minded the group and I honestly found them quite amusing with their pranks, but I usually kept a distance because of Lily's so called "hatred" of James.

"So how was your summer?" She questioned.

"Honestly boring without you". I smiled at her. The small talk continued until I realized I should probably get changed into my robes since the train would be arriving soon.

"Be right back". I stated as I made my way out of the compartment and into the hall.

There were some other students waiting to change so I lent patiently against the wall admiring the trains charming detail.

  "Nice isn't it?" A voice spoke. I turned around to see none other than Sirius Black, smirking, A lady's man from hell.

"I suppose". I said shortly. He seemed slightly amused by this.

"OK". He said nodding slowly.

"Can I help you?" I questioned, toying with him.

"No". He stated while leaning seductively against the wall.

"I'm going to count to ten and you better clear off by the time i'm done". I said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"No need to fu-". "PADFOOT MY BROTHER THERE YOU ARE". Yelled none other than James Potter as he walked down the corridor towards Sirius and I, while the others trailed behind him.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but hold back a smirk at the nicknames they had for each other. I never understood them.

"On another one of your conquests are you?" James stated while glancing over to me.

"Excuse me?" I glared at him picking my head up. He went wide eyed at the realization of who I was, at least he was smart enough to know insulting the girl that was best friends with the so called love of his life was not the way to go.

"NOTHING- ahah I- um apologize". He smiled sheepishly.

"yea....". I said rolling my eyes.

"Come on guys let's head back the compartment". Said Peter while shaking his head as he grabbed Sirius by the arm.

I took notice to both boys standing behind James. Remus and Peter were both more quiet and reserved then James and Sirius but still had no mercy when it came to pranking. I felt a little of a flush when I locked eyes with Remus. He just smiled like James had.

"Well I guess this is goodbye my lady". Smirked Sirius as the group set off down the corridor back to their compartment. Halfway down the corridor James then turned around.

"HEY CAN YOU ASK LILY IF SHE GOT MY LETT-" He was yanked away by a sighing Sirius as he patted James in the back. Then a Title caught my eye.

"Hey!" I yelled back to the boy with caramel brown hair. He turned around a bit puzzled.

"Nice book". I winked at him as I turned around and continued towards the bathroom door as I finally got a chance to change into my robes.

(Remus POV)

I smiled a bit at her comment. I didn't get a chance to say anything since soon after, she left. I didn't know her well but i'd seen her around because of James obsession with Lily Evans. I looked down to the book I had been reading "Little Woman", I had respect for the classics.

"OI MOONY, LETS GET A MOVE ON SHALL WE?" bellowed Sirius from the inside of the compartment. I made my way back to the compartment as I half smiled to myself about the encounter.

"So what was that Moony?" Peter questioned.

"Yea WHAT was that about?" Sirius joined in rubbing his chin. I gave them a puzzled look.

"I don't know what you gits are insinuating so just tell me?"

"Mate you totally fancy (L/N)". James commented.

"What? no, I barely know her?" I stated.

"But Moony its perfect, we can both date a pair of best friends". James smiled as he clapped his hands together like a little girl. Peter and Sirius laughed at this while I just rolled my eyes while shaking my head.

"Cheer up mate we're almost at Hogwarts". Peter said while nodding his out the window towards the misty castle in the distance. I smiled a little at this as I put away my book and Prepared for another year at Hogwarts.


After I had changed into my Gryffindor robes I made my way back to the compartment. I thought a little about Remus and his book. 'I guess he's just classy' I thought smiling. 'I kinda wish Lily liked those guys more'. As they were, like I said kinda amusing. I slid open the door and sat down.

"What kept you so long I was about to go look for you?" Lily said narrowing her eyes.

"Oh just being harassed by your admirer and his goons." I laughed. Lily blushed at this and did a terrible job trying to hide it. I cocked my head to the side looked at her raising my eyebrows.

"Shut up." she said flatly. I smiled at this. As I felt the train slowly come to a stop and we had arrived......

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