Marks And Mayhem

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It had happened. He broke up with me.

Lily and the others had come back after breakfast to me alone in the boys dorm balling my eyes out, it was embarrassing for people to see me like that. I'd always struggled with proving I was strong. That I was a true Gryffindor, but I was not all that I was chalked up to be.

Lily had been so upset with my state she started to cry as well. We hugged each other after the eventful night and wallowed together.

The boys were angry with Remus. Mumbles of him being a coward, and selfish we're tossed around by them, and even though he had just shattered my soul. A part of me still felt sorry for him and wished the boys wouldn't say those things.

Though I was sad and the boys were angry with Remus, they still had to make sure their friend was protected. So they left to seek out Snape.

(James POV)

Three of us left our dorm to find Snivellus. We were stressed because Remus was now missing and left   y/n with a broken heart, and Snivellus was risking Remus' exposure.

The first bell had rung for first period and so we searched through the bustling crowd of students for someone who represented moping and death.

While the halls emptied as quickly as they filled, by sheer luck we watched as Snivellus was about to walk into a charms classroom.

Adrenaline kicked in and I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him hard into the wall. I swore at this point I could do more damage than Remus ever could have.

"What do you have to say for yourself?!" I bellowed as I shook the mickey out of him.

"You and your goons constantly pestering me deserve to feel what I have!" He said as he struggled to get out of my grasp.

"And what is that exactly?!" Sirius chimes in from behind me.

"What it's like to lose your closest friend!" I assumed he was referring to Lily, and they were hardly close. "I'll expose him without hesitation!" He jabbed me in the stomach causing me to release him. "There's nothing you could do to stop me". Snape said with utter confidence, but the scary part was that he was right? What could we do?

He pushed me back once again with a grunt, dusted himself off and straightened his robes. "You Gryffindor scum always thinking you have the power? Slytherin will always be superior".

"You realize we could of let you die?! We risked our own bloody lives for you! We could have died!" I stepped up. "If the roles were reversed you would never of done the same regardless of if you were bullied or not. That, is the difference between Gryffindors and Slytherins".

He looked bewildered and overwhelmed. "I still have the power over all of you". He stammered. "I'll have him locked up! It's only a matter of when".

He then left the hall with a scowl on his face, and entered his charms classroom as if the interaction never happened.

(Lily POV)

I had finally convinced y/n to eat some of the food I had brought up for her. I almost didn't know how to help her. She was always the one who helped others, she was the shoulder to cry on. Y/n was never very emotional so at times like this I never knew how to comfort her.

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