The Prisoners Prosecutors Pt 1

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"AAAAAH" I screamed along with Hermione and Harry as we were flung around by the whomping willow.

Ron had disappeared into what I knew to be the passage to the shrieking shack with what I believed to without a doubt be Sirius dragging him by the ankle.

"Y/N what do we do!" Harry called out in the air.

I thought of the button Peter used to freeze at the base. "THERES A BUTTON AT THE BASE!" I called back. "But we won't be able to make it!"

"Hold on!" Hermione screamed as she was dragged through a wall of branches. Before I knew it Harry and I had been grabbed by our collars and were again flying through the air towards the base of the tree.

"AAAAHH!" We all screamed as Hermione let go and we flew through the tunnel hitting the ground with a hard thump.

"Ouch". I laid flat on my back winded, looking to Harry who coughed violently.

"AAAAAAH". Hermione screeched as she flew in a moment later, landing on top of Harry. "Oh, Sorry". She whined.

"It's alright". Harry winced as he stood helping me up as well.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asks as she looks around the dirt tunnel.

"The shrieking shack". I said in a concerned tone while they both took in their surroundings.

"Come on". Harry said as we all made are way quickly down the tunnel.

After what felt like forever we reached a latter and an opening above us like a trapdoor. We each helped each other up and we're all standing in the creaking, old, and barren shrieking shack. We kept going as we heard voices coming from above us.

We barrelled up the stairs as we could hear Ron's voice. Seemingly without thinking Harry barged into the room where Ron sat gripping onto scabbers tightly in the corner.

"Ron you're okay!" Hermione seemed to celebrate.

"The dog where is he?" Harry wasted no time.

"It's a trap! He's the dog! He's an animagus!" Ron cried holding scabbers even tighter as we all whirled around to see Sirius Black standing there.

I almost couldn't recognize him. He was raggedy and unkept, in a prison jumper. One of my best friends, was he truly gone? The look in his eyes when he saw me was undeniable, he new me, and that seemed to throw him off.

"If you want to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too". Hermione stepped in front of Harry with her wand drawn.

"No. Only one will die tonight". Sirius snapped back with a venomous tone as he looked at me again. "Y/N?"

"And it'll be you!" Harry was overcome with anger as he lunged forwards and put his hands around Sirius' neck before they tumbled to the floor. Harry had his wand at his throat.

Sirius only laughed at this, which enraged me. "Are you going to kill me Harry". He said amused with a distorted grin.

The door burst open as non other than Remus appeared. "Expelliarmus!" Remus said as he disarmed Harry. I was confused as well as the others. Remus offered Sirius a hand, helping him up, before they embraced each other tightly. I stared with boiling anger.

"I found him. Come on Remus let's kill him, let's do it now!" Sirius was harshly whispering.

I looked at Remus along with the others. I felt betrayed, him too? I couldn't stay quiet. "How could you?!" I yelled at Remus. "After everything". I was in complete disbelief, the Remus Lupin I knew and loved would never have done this.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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