The Saddest Secret

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I felt odd after the prior run ins with the trio. I had been like an undercover reporter for the past few hours listening to every conversation between students, often using the map to avoid teachers and unwanted attention. I was confused by how often Harry was mentioned by other students, like a celebrity. A celebrity that apparently no one liked. Why? I didn't know. Another popular topic was Sirius Black. My Sirius. Students feared him, called him a murder. Tears were fought back that hour.

I was currently sitting in the Gryffindor common room alone. It was very late and I didn't have a dorm in 1993. The daily prophet was in my hands. I hadn't let myself read it yet. I was so afraid of what I'd read. He was my friend. My family. I would always see the best in him.

My hand shook slightly as I let my eyes glide across the page. "Mass murder Sirius Black, STILL AT LARGE! Number one follower of he who must not be named, has recently escaped Azkaban prison and has been spotted in hogsmeade village late of Tuesday night. Incredibly Dangerous and not afraid of violence, Avoid at all costs and report any information or sightings to the ministry of magic. Aurors are currently searching day and night in hopes to recapture Black. All wizards are recommended to stay in after 8pm". - The daily Prophet.

My hand covered my mouth to muffle the sob I let out. In disbelief I dropped the paper and looked around the room in shock as tears uncontrollably flowed. My throat was closing up as I struggled to breathe. It couldn't be, My best friend. A murder. Affiliated with Voldemort? My sobs could no longer be contained as I broke down. I held my knees to my chest. With no one here to comfort me. No one here to help. I knew it was all up to me. This has to be what Regulus meant. I could Stop Sirius from becoming, this. I just had to know why he became this.

I looked out the window into the night. A full moon. I wondered where Remus was right now. An older version I considered. I hoped James and Lily were at home together nuzzled by a warm fire. I smiled at the thought of Peter having a wife and a family as well.

with a mix of curiosity and boredom I pulled out the map. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good". I tapped the paper. It opened up with a blueprint of the hogwarts grounds. I wandered the page, watching the little footprints of some students names. I choked on air when I saw Peters name cascading along the 3rd floor corridor. What the bloody hell would he be doing here?

I quickly stood grabbing my wand and bag leaving the common room in search of my friend.

(Hermione POV)

"Was that?" Ron said in awe.

"The marauders map?" I finished shaking my head in disbelief. We stood from our crouched spot on the stairs to the dorms.

"Yeah, yeah it was". Harry said in a solemn tone.

"How, how is that possible?" I questioned as Harry pulled the map out of his back pocket, opening it with the password.

"There's two?" Ron said as held held scabbers tight to his chest.

"No, there's not two. That's the problem". I shivered as Ron and I looked to Harry. "It's her, Isn't it". My voice was soft.

"How else would she have the map Hermione?" Harry's voice was aggressive, "She must of brought it with her". He said as he stepped off the steps, wand in hand.

"Harry? Where are you going". Ron followed.

"I'm going after her, I need to know how she got here? Why she's here. You two stay". He said sternly

"Harry wait!" I stopped him. I thought of the time turner around my neck. I reached down my robes pulling the chain out. "This, This is how she's here". I sighed. "It has to be how".

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