The Terrible Truth

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"What? What do you mean?" I swallowed as the trio stared at me with solemn expressions. Harry especially. The way his eyes looked into mine I could tell he was being torn apart on the inside.

Hermione looked to Harry and Ron earning nods of approval, so she spoke. "In 1980, not long after you and the others had left Hogwarts, he who must not be named-"Voldemort". Harry snapped, as Hermione nodded. "Voldemort rose to power".  She paused as I felt my heart sink. "It was the first wizarding world war. Dumbledore had started the order of the phoenix, a group of wizards dedicated to fighting against voldemort and his followers".

"Deatheaters". Ron added. Harry was still frozen,  but I felt breathing becoming harder to do.

"You, James Potter, Lily Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew had all joined together." I frowned slightly as she spoke of my friends and I. "You and Remus were engaged, you wanted the wedding to be postponed but he insisted". I took a sharp breath, my brain scrambled by all the new information. Voldemort, the order of the phoenix, Engaged? I noticed Harry's eyes becoming glossy. "On your wedding night-" Hermione looked at me unsure how to proceed. "You, you died".

I let my hand cover my mouth. I could tell I was in shock as I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "How- How could this happen to me?" I wanted an explanation.

"Y/n I'm so sorry". Hermione was quiet.

"It was him". Harry finally said. "He killed you".

"Voldemort". I said barely a whisper. A single tear fell.

Hermione kept on with the story, "The death eaters attacked the wedding just after the ceremony leaving none but the other members of the order alive. The wedding was kept secret, and small, only the closest and most trusted people. It became hell when they realized someone had betrayed them".

I shook my head in disbelief. "My friends, they wouldn't do that. Ever." I defended.

There was no response from the three of them.

"The rest of the order became targeted after that, most went into hiding. James and Lily..." She looked at Harry's angry expression. "They, had a secret keeper- "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND!" Harry exploded in pain. "HE WAS THEIR FRIEND AND HE KILLED THEM!" He stood.

"Who?!" I jumped up in frustration.

"SIRIUS BLACK!" He angrily yelled.

"Harry you must be quiet we'll get caught!" Hermione reasoned as Ron helped him sit again. Harry's tears rolled down his cheeks as he sat motionless again.

"No". I shook my head rapidly as I remembered the Paper 'Escaped murderer from Azkaban Sirius Black!' I held my face in my hands still crying tears of confusion and frustration.

"The only person who could of known where Harry's parents were was Black, it was magically binding". Hermione continued. "He betrayed them, and you".

"And Remus". I added lifting my head the anger starting to flood in".

"That night he was captured at their home in Godrics Hollow, but not before he would take Peter's life in a muggle suburb". I felt the tears rage forward again, not Peter. "Then Voldemort had been destroyed".

"Well that's what everyone thought". Ron mentioned. "No one bloody believes us".

"Harry's scar", she motioned to the lightning bolt line on his forehead. "Is from voldemort, his spell backfired stripping him of his power and physical form. Everyone thought he was gone after that and the rest of the order divided. People tried to forget".

"But he's back. I saw him, I fought him". Harry said with shaky breath.

I was still processing in a frozen state. A blank stare took over as I relived her words over and over. Three of my best friends dead. I, was dead. One a backstabbing murderer, and one....

"Wait what about Remus?!" I demanded. They all gave awkward looks.

"Well um you see". Ron started with a cautious tone. "He's kind of a professor here this year". He squinted his eyes waiting for impact.

"He's here?" I said yet again in shock. There was no way this was all happening to me. But I knew deep down it wasn't a coincidence. I was here for a reason. "I need to see him. He probably blames himself for everything". I knew him.

"Y/n if he sees you.." Hermione started, but I was distracted because there was one important detail we'd all just forgotten.

"Peters alive".

(Ron POV)

"Bloody hell".... Was all I could manage. The four of us all stared in revelation. Harry especially.

"Y/n are you sure?" Hermione asked once again, "It's been this way for years, Black went on trial and to Azkaban for it? It wasn't taken lightly".

"The map doesn't lie!" Y/n stood up as she waved the map in the air. I thought she might throw it at me. "Remus was very careful".

"This changes everything". Harry spoke up.

"Everything". Y/n Replied.


"If Peters alive and in the castle, and the map doesn't lie.....than he faked his death?" Ron added. "Why?"

"That's what we're going to find out". Harry stated.

"I'm going to stay," I stood up straight. "I'm going to help. I'll do anything to make this right. I can go back, and change things for the better, but I have to know what and why this happened first". I stated. "But we obviously don't know the full story, but there's someone here that does".

"Y/n that's not a good idea". Hermione warned.

"We'll have you got a better one Hermione?" Harry sassed. She shrank back, obviously without a plan.

It was silent for a moment.

"It's late". Harry checked the clock exhausted. "We can make a plan in the morning".

"Hey Y/n you can stay with the girls and I if you'd like?" Hermione offered. "Lavender switched dorms last week".

I half smiled, thankful for her hospitality. I followed the group up the stairs when Harry stopped me before I could turn towards the girl's dormitory.

"Y/n?" He looked at me

"Yes Harry?" I answered.

"I called you my aunt erm because- because". He couldn't seem to figure out his words. I was patient and understanding with him. "When my parents died, one of the only things I had left was this um picture". He reached into his pocket pulling out an old tattered photo. It was moving when I took it from him. It was the one taken of the boys and I in hogsmeade. James was falling mid photo and all of us laughed to match it. what had changed was the words written on the back, "Uncle Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Aunt Prosper". Who knew it fall into Harry's hands after all this time. I pushed back a single tear as I gave the photo back to Harry.

"Wow". I let out a small laugh through the teardrop.

"He must of written it after you'd um passed". Harry explained. "You can keep it if you'd want". He said.

"No Harry, I have the memories, you keep the photo okay". I gave him a hug. "I'm gonna fix this".

I could tell he was not convinced.

"I promise".

A Book And A Boy ( Young Remus X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now