A Game And Gain

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I was smacked in the head.

"Y/n get up or you'll miss breakfast". Lily said sternly as if she were my mom.

I dragged my self out of the covers trying to stand, but fell onto the floor. I couldn't even remember what time I had gone to bed at, though I remember dawn breaking as I crawled up the stairs.

"Come on. Get up". Lily said as she pulled me up onto my feet. I stood as I finally opened my eyes. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my robes.

After the girls and I had all changed we walked down to breakfast. The whole way I was trying to think of how I was going break the news of becoming a Marauder to Lily without it ending with a knife in my gut.

Mary and Molly went and sat with Arthur while Lily and I sat across from the boys.

"Hey Prosp-"HEY GUYS". I cut James off while giving a small head tilt to Lily.

"What did he almost call you?" She said as she turned to look at me.

"WHATNOTHINGAHAHA". I tried to laugh it off while the boys avoided eye contact with her.

"Y/N!" She said irritated.

I looked at her and then to the boys with their eyes wide and horrified looks on their faces.

"WellIsortofmaybekindabecameamarauder". I spoke quickly while the boys looked like they were bracing for impact.


"I knew this was bound to happen". She sighed while shaking her head.

"YOUR NOT MAD?!" The boys and I yelled in union.

"No, I already prepared for this. And yes y/n were still friends". She clarified as I let out a breath of air.

"Well that seemed to work it's self out didn't it?"Sirius said happily as he took a bite of toast.

I shook my head as I drank some of my coffee in hopes it would wake me up for today.

"So wait you have a nickname now too?" Lily asked.

"Yea, Prosper". I said nervously.

"What do those nicknames mean anyway?" She asked as I panicked.

"Oh it's just our patronus',Well things around them". I tried to cover up.

"Oh okay makes sense I guess?" Lily seemingly bought this and I was relieved.

"What do we have this morning?" I asked Remus trying to change the subject.

"Defence Against The Dark Arts". He answered. "But I think it's just us in this class".

I nodded as we stood and walked out of the great hall. We spilt up in the halls and it was just Remus and I.

"I never thanked you for saving our asses last night". I laughed.

"Ya anytime". He smiled kindly. 'Hopefully'. I thought to myself.

We walked to the rest of the way to class in comfortable silence as I observed the many students rushing around the halls trying to get to their classes. I did this often, thought I have no idea why.

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when a pair of hands grabbed my shoulders and steered me away from the wall I was about to walk into.

"Thanks". I said embarrassed.

"Anytime". He said with a smile as we walked down the corridor to the classroom.

(Remus POV)

We entered the class and I sat down next to her at a table near the back of the room.

A Book And A Boy ( Young Remus X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now