Stress And Strength

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The cold December air clung to the halls, and fluffy snow fell from the sky coating everything in bright white. Christmas decorations had been strung across the castle.

All 4th year students and up, of Gryffindor tower had been called to the room of requirement by professor McGonagal.

The room had benches on either side of the room, and a very large record player off to the side. McGonagal stood beside it as she waited for the students to enter the large room.

"Boys to the left, girls to the right". She directed, while I spilt up from the guys, and sat beside Lily on one of the benches.

"Is this some kind of lecture?" I asked Lily, as she only smiled.

"I think that rumour was more than just that". Lily grinned, while McGonagal swiftly walked to the centre of the room.

"Dumbledore has asked me to personally make this announcement". She began. "As you all know, Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry is a school of tradition. This year, there is to be a Olivet moon, known to happen once every 100 years". She continued while many students looked confused or even exited. "It is within Hogwarts tradition that there be a ball on the night of the moon, which happens to be this Christmas eve. For those who do not know, this celestial ball, is without a doubt, a dance". She finished, as whispers and giggles erupted from the students.

"Your bloody kidding me". I said putting my head in my hands.

"Oh come on cheer up y/n. It will be fun!" Lily exaggerated as I sighed. My expression seemed to be similar to most of the boys on the other side of the room.

"All houses are required to take a lesson on ball room dancing". McGonagal said as she looked at the students around the room. Her eyes landed on Remus.

"Mr Lupin, please join me over here". She waved him over as he stood up nervously.

The guys were stifling laughs and whispering to each other. I was doing the same.

McGonagal put the arm down onto the record, and classical music filled the room. She put Remus' hands on her waist, and soon enough they were twirling around the room. I hated to admit they were quite good.

The music came to a stop as they both split bowed to each other.

"Now for everyone else, boys and girls find a partner". McGonagal said as she walked to the side of the room to spectate.

Many boys stood up awkwardly, and the girls were giggling hysterically. Everyone was finding a dance partner. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I whirled around. There stood a nervous Remus.

"Do you-um........wanna be-"Yes". I cut him off. A blush creeping up his neck as he nodded happily.

(Remus POV)

I was a bit nervous to dance with her, I don't know why since i'd already kissed her. She was smiling as I looked to see McGonagal place another record down, and music filled the room once more.

We waltzed across the floor, slightly laughing at some other students who had two left feet. Peter had starting dancing with Mary, James had gotten a hold of Lily and was courteously stepping on her toes, as she hit him.

"There having fun". Y/n laughed.

"There having a bit too much over there". I smirked as she followed my gaze.

"Oh my god".

"MR. BLACK, MS. HANNAH!" McGonagal bellowed as Sirius and another Gryffindor student both spilt apart from their very passionate kiss. She scowled at them before turning her attention back to other students.

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