Amortentia And Attraction

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I awoke in my bed with a groan. I was very tired after my little excursion last night.

It was now October 1st and I was a little excited about the fall season and Halloween, though yesterday evening still had me wanting answers.

I had potions with the 4 of them this morning so I would take the opportunity to ask about it.

I rolled out of bed and shook Lily awake as she so kindly told me to, "F*ck off". As she pulled the covers back over her face. I decided to leave her be as I got ready for classes.

Lily finally awoke and we both made our way down to breakfast. The first thing I noticed as I entered he great hall was how awful the boys looked. They looked like they hadn't slept in years. Especially Remus.

I was extremely confused but ignored it as I sat down with Lily. It was mostly silence between all of us as Lily and I just questioned what the hell was going through whispering and sign language.

It was soon time for class. I made a point to walk at the back of the group, next to a exhausted looking Remus with his messy hair even messier and his shining eyes now dull. I even noticed a new scar across his jaw.

"Hey are you doing okay?" I asked even though he clearly wasn't.

"I'm fine". He said as he tried his best to smile.

"Okay..." I said as we then walked through the door to our table.

(Remus POV)

I stood at the table next to y/n. I was exhausted from last nights transformation. The new scar on my jaw was searing with pain.

Professor Slughorn stood at the front of the class with a cauldron in front of him and began the lesson.

"Today we will be working with what I would call the one of the most dangerous potions in the world". He started.

"Amortentia, or otherwise known as the 'love potion'. Does not create real love, but just severe obsession". He said as he opened the lid to the cauldron in front of him and blue steam rose from the potion.

"This potion smells differently to every single person in this room. It lures you in by smelling of what attracts you". He finished as he shut the lid and a few students that had crept closer quickly shuddered away.

"You are to brew a satisfactory concoction of Amortentia and have it submitted in vials at the end of this class". He said as he turned to his desk and sat down marking work.

We began an our potion making and the sound of her voice seemed to help my cause. I had perked up a bit and was now having quite a bit of fun brewing the potion with her.

I was worried for Lily though, knowing James he might just smuggle some of the potion out of the class with him.

As y/n and I put the finishing ingredients into our potion, I noticed a sweet scent that seemed familiar to me. Apple and Cinnamon filled my senses and continued into strong coffee and Rose. I pondered for a moment with my cheeks rapidly heating up. I knew exactly or more so, who I had just smelt.


I lent into our finished potion and smelt an all to familiar scent, Books, Chocolate and a hint of Lavender. I flushed as I had a realized, 'I like him, Damn it I like him a lot'.

I looked over to Remus and cleared my throat nervously. "I think the potions done". I said taking a vile of of my bag.

I passed it to a rather red looking Remus. He looked a bit better than before though, Better looking red than dead.

He filed the vile and passed it over to professor Slughorn. Many students did the same not soon after and class had ended.

After class the others dispersed and I followed Remus out into the grounds hoping to ask about yesterday.

I was a few meters behind and stopped for a moment as he sat and lent his head against a tree by the lake, and looked heavenwards.

I hadn't noticed before but the light sun shone across a single tear stain on his cheek. I immediately felt my heart sink as I looked at his state and put the pieces together.


The disappearances and mood swings all made sense, though there were a few loop holes along what the hell the others were doing with him while he was in his werewolf state.

He had his hands covering his face.

I couldn't leave, not now. I walked over and sat next to him. I clearly startled him as he jumped and was looking at me wide eyed.

I just stared back at him, not with a look of pity but understanding.

I could never know what it was like to deal with lycanthropy but I would be there for him.

"y/n I-"I know about your Lycanthropy". I cut him off as he quickly looked away from me. He looked ashamed of himself.

"I don't care". I said clearly.

He looked to the lake still, and I hugged him. I put aside everything else I felt. It wasn't a romantic type hug, but one of friendship and trust.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and lent my head on his shoulder. We had missed lunch but neither of us cared we just sat in each others company as I comforted him and he quite honestly comforted me as well.

"Come on". He said standing up and offering me a hand. I took it and stood as he looked me in the eye.

"Thank you". He said seriously.

"For?" I asked

"Accepting me as I am".

(Lily POV)

I hadn't seen y/n all day. I was kind of worried but knowing her she was probably fine.

I had more pressing matters at hand, her and Remus clearly liked each other and they were gonna need some..........Assistance.

And that sadly meant I was going to have to talk to the marauders. She owes me.

I saw y/n at dinner but she didn't say much else than the usual. She wasn't acting suspicious.

After y/n went up to the dorm to change I took the opportunity to talk to the boys.

"Oh Lilyflow- I mean Lily, what brings you here". James stammered.

"So i'm here about y/n and Remus". I whispered as so sat down on the couch.

"Oh ya we noticed that". Peter nodded knowing exactly what I was talking about.

"They totally both fancy each other but there both to proud to admit it". James said in defeat.

"Yea also to blind to see that they fancy each other back". Sirius said shaking his head as I nodded.

"We're gonna need a plan". I said seriously as the others went quiet deep in thought.

"What if we throw her in the lake and then Moony can go fish her out?" James offered with a proud smile.

"No wonder you have terrible luck with girls". Peter mumbled.

"HEY!" James retaliated.

"Stop your bickering. I have a plan". Sirius smirked as we all looked to him.

"Next Hogsmeade trip, we'll ditch em and then they'll have to spend the day together". He said proudly.

"The next Hogsmeade trip isn't for 2 weeks?" Peter added while Sirius shook his head.

"It's like tea. You cant just throw the bag in the cup for 10 seconds and expect it to taste good?"

We all stared at him for a moment with blank faces.

"Somewhere out there, a tree is tirelessly producing oxygen for you. I think you owe it an apology". Peter stated.

"Rude, and I'm not finished, you have to give it time to steep and then you add the sugar. You have to give the relationship time to brew". He explained, which I surprisingly understood along with the others.

"Hogsmeade it is then".

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