Faces Of Friends

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In the early morning I was dragged down to breakfast with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. It was bustling in the great hall as students all chattered with each other at their tables. It was still odd not seeing the familiar faces I was so accustomed to. I felt my eyes drift to the spot where Remus and the others would always sit. Not seeing their warm, smiling faces almost felt sad, especially after everything I now knew. That feeling hung in the air as we sat.

Ron and Hermione were death glaring eachother. I looked at Harry with confusion and concern. Ron looked at his pancake with a sad expression. "Scabbers loved pancakes". He moped.

"Honestly Ron". Hermione rolled her eyes angrily.

"YOU'RE BLOODY BEAST ATE HIM!" Ron snapped as I jumped back from the table.

"NO!" She wailed in response.

"Guys!" Harry shut them up, before all of the great hall would turn to look at us.

I was pouring myself pumpkin juice while trying to lay low as to not bring my presence to staff at their long table, when the presence of two people almost perfectly in sync sat on either side of me.

"Hey, Fred, George". Harry greeted, as Ron only rolled his eyes with a mouthful of food.

"Good morning love". The one twin who I could guess was Fred, smirked at me.

"Hey". I said with an odd expression.

"What exactly did you two need?" Hermione seemed to ask innocently, though it came off as threatening.

"Just sitting next to this lovely woman". The other one George, looked to be challenging Fred.

I stared at the trio on the other side of the bench for some sort of help.

"WEASLEYS!" The familiar voice of McGonagal boomed and I hit the deck diving under the table. Her heels were loud on the concrete as she walked with haste towards them from across the hall. "I KNOW YOU JINXED THOSE QUILLS!" I could watch the boys scramble from my place under the table. Just before they left there heads appeared under the table.

"Catch you later love". They said in a sly union, before quickly running out of the hall, McGonagal in pursuit.

I poked my head up once she was gone. Only climbing out to my seat again once I was sure. I looked at Ron with an unimpressed look.

"They've been talking about you for days". He said with annoyance, "All of Gryffindor tower must know about you by now". Ron shook his head.

"That can't be good". Hermione said with a nervous tone.

"Not at all". Harry agreed.


The trio had to go to there classes later that morning, and I decided it was best to just avoid suspicion and not attend any classes. Snapes shock was enough. I mostly used the map commonly to avoid select staff, using the passageways as well to sneak around unseen.

I was currently wandering around in the library, at lunch we agreed to meet in the quiet isles to discuss our final agreements and take it to Remus.

Fiddled with my hands about the thought of seeing him how I had heard other students speak of him. They spoke highly of his teaching and personality, but his exterior was described as rough and tired looking.

"Y/n?" Harry spoke as I whipped around to face him. The whole trio stood before me and I smiled as we sat at an empty table in a dimly lit corner. Ron and Hermione sitting an extra chair apart.

A Book And A Boy ( Young Remus X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now