A Courtyard Catastrophe

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It was a Tuesday afternoon, Remus and I were even closer, now that I knew about his "furry little problem" as he calls it. The others still didn't know I knew yet. It was kind of a touchy subject so I didn't wanna just spring it on them.

I had quite a bit of astronomy homework and the girls were being a bit rowdy in the dorm, and the common room was rather crowded so I decided to go study in the library, which I surprisingly hadn't gone to all year.

I walked through the library door and I suddenly realized how much I had missed this place. The small details of spruce wood lining the walls, the smell of pine that never seemed to leave, the books that told stories of unimaginable things, the quiet chatter of students, and the wonderful madame Pince glaring at me from across the room.

I walked towards an empty table, until I saw someone sitting in a chair with a book.

"Hey". I said as I walked over to Remus.

"Oh hey". He said looking up from his book with a smile. "What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"Just astronomy homework". I shrugged.

"Could I sit with you?" He asked politely as I cocked my head to the side.

"Remus of course you can, you don't need to ask?" I laughed.

"Oh uh yea sorry". He said standing up and rubbing the back of his neck.

We walked over to the empty table as I set my things down and he continued with his book.

"I have to go find a book, I'll be right back". I stated while he nodded with a smile.

I walked over to the isle directly across from the table and began browsing the shelves for a certain astronomy book I needed.

I felt a presence behind me as the book I was about to grab from the top shelf was grabbed by someone behind me.

I turned around to see Regulus holding the book out to me.

"I could of gotten that myself". I said taking the book from him while he smiled kindly.

"I'm sure you could of". He claimed as I gave him an unsatisfied look.

"Is this gonna be a regular occurrence?" I asked. "Are you just going to keep popping up out of know where?" I said crossing my arms.

"I could if you'd like". He smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm Regulus". He said, as I realized we had never actually introduced ourselves.

"I know." I said slyly.

"So you've noticed me?" He smiled as he looked away.

"No, i'm mates with your brother". I stated.

"I'm y/n".

"I know". He nodded, as I couldn't suppress the smallest smile.

"Well i've got to get studying". I said holding up the book.

"Ok". He said nodding. "I guess I'll see you on the Quidditch pitch then?" He smirked.

"Yea when Gryffindor beats Slytherin". I said confidently, as I left him in the isle, and walked swiftly back to the table.

(Remus POV)

'What the hell was that?' I asked myself. I could feel pressure building in my chest, and annoyance taking over me. 'Did she like him?' I thought, 'Why do I care?'

She walked over to the table and sat down next to me and I watched as Sirius' brother I knew to be Regulus, smiling to himself as walked off. I took a few discreet deep breathes. I found that my heartbeat had been racing. 'What if I do Like her?'I questioned myself. 'Holy shit I like her'.

A Book And A Boy ( Young Remus X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now