Unfortunate Future

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For the past few weeks I had been like a bat avoiding the day. Going only to and from class speaking to no one. It was getting colder here, and snow flurries frequented the castle. This harsh weather made it easier to avoid humans in general.

The visions had been haunting me for weeks. I spent all spare time reading books and trying to find any information I could about what could be going on with me. I could tell the others were increasingly worried by the day. It was hard not telling them what I had seen. Lying through my teeth at every "are you okay?".

Every time my friends ask me about it. I never tell them the truth, because I don't want them to worry that I might get bad again.

As of now I was currently striding down the hall towards the common room. It was a late Thursday night and everyone was chattering by the lively fire. The Christmas decorations had been strung around the common room making it even cosier than usual. I rushed towards the stairs feeling eyes following me. We made eye contact and he walked over to me before I could escape.


"Hey". I forced a smile. Then he grinned that stupid grin. He was the only thing that made the coldness go away. If for even a moment.

"You should stay. It feels like you haven't actually joined us here in forever". Remus wasn't wrong. I'd been seeing him almost everyday and night, as he snuck into my dorm all the time but the others had truly been neglected. I felt bad about since the christmas season was upon us.

"I think i'm gonna head up actually". I just wanted to figure these damn visions out.

"I'll come". Remus took out his wand casting the charm to stop the stairs from changing into a slide. I smiled in defeat as we walked upstairs together.

In my dorm I noticed at some point Lily had also decorated our room. Stockings over our fireplace and all. Remus and I laid on my bed. He had questioned me about all the time turner and divination books, I was quick to change the subject.

I had my head in his chest as he twirled with my hair.

His voice was soft and tired as he spoke. "You know you can always tell me, when your not okay. Right?"

I subtlety frowned. "I know, but I don't always know, you know?"

A comfortable silence.

"Remus, I think something is wrong with me. Christmas and all these good things are happening, but I don't feel happy. I always end up feeling depressed".

I felt an anger and frustration brewing from the unknownness of those visions, the locket and why it came back.

"Y/n". He lifted my chin to look at him, and he kissed me. It intensified as I straddled his lap, my hands begun to slide up his shirt. He held my waist. His one hand was sliding up my thigh past the hem of my shorts.

"Oh my god". I jumped off him with such force that he fell off the other end of the bed hitting the floor with a thump.

I stood still, stone faced. Thoughts running. The only correlation I didn't see was the locket. Merlin how could I be this daft. The visions only started once I got the locket back. Why I have it again i'm not sure. But it was a start.

"Y/n?" Remus stood rubbing his head.

"I-I have to go!" I said with a shocked laugh.

"Where?! Where would you have to go at 9pm on a Thursday night?!" He said sharply. I could sense he had bottled it up enough. "I have been reaching out to you for the past month and you still can't get out of your own way?!" He almost laughed.

"Remus, I'm sorry, but I- "No y/n no. You don't get to apologize right now. For weeks you've avoided everything and everyone with absolutely no reason or explanation. I want to help you? But until you decide to let me do that, I can't do anything". Remus closed his eyes taking a deep inhale.

"I can't tell you what's going on, because I don't know what's happening myself. I just know that something bad is going to happen, and I think i'm the only person left who can stop it". I thought of Reggie. I grabbed my things and stepped towards the door. "I'm sorry for everything I really am". I looked him in the eye so he would know I meant it.

I left, by now most students had dispersed from the common room. I snuck out the portrait hole. The entire way to the library I only thought of how much i'd really hurt Remus and the others by being so closed off. But I had a feeling that tonight was different. If I could just find anything between the locket and visions I just maybe could do something.

As I passed the empty great hall, suddenly it wasn't empty anymore. In a flash of light it was filled with sunlight and students. All eating breakfast. Clear as day I saw some all in a tight group staring at a page that looked to be the daily prophet. Only then did I notice the familiar three. A boy with red hair, a girl with curly hair and bangs, then a boy, the boy I believed to be Harry Potter.

I stepped closer increasing speed as I neared. The paper had a picture and a bolded headline above it, "Escaped Prisoner Of Azkaban". The picture was of a man, he looked rugged and unkept. Long curly black hair and tattoos. He almost looked familiar. I read the caption below, "Sirius Black an escaped-"

Then I was back in the empty great hall. In the dark. Alone. I was in such shock and anger I ripped the locket off of my neck and held it firmly in my palm. This ends now.

I had no idea where I would go or what I was going to do when I got there, but if half of my theories were true, I could do something. I could save Hogwarts like Regulus said. He told me I could save more lives than one.

I pocketed the locket and pulled out the time turner from under my robes. I spun the hourglass forwards feeling the room rapidly moving around me though I was still. A slowing and then.

Everything stopped.

A/N: Hey everyone I know I kinda disappeared for a minute but I really just wanted to put a good effort into this chapter and schools been destroying me. University is rough. This story is about to pick up and become one of the most challenging and emotional situations I've ever written. It's gonna be a wild ride. See you soon.

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