Quidditch and Quests

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I woke up in a cold dark room, the moonlight shining across my face as I sat up. The other girls were just figures under sheets, and I could hear the light cooing of owls in the night.

I shivered from both the chill in the room, and the upcoming quidditch finals against Slytherin the next morning. I knew how much that game would mean to me, the boys, the team, the house, and Godric even Dumbledore. I was so afraid I would let them all down tomorrow.

My feet touched the icy floors as I left the sheets behind. I shuffled quietly not to disturb the others as I left the dorm.

The fire was glowing in the common room and only the solemn creaking of the castle could be heard this time of night, my feet went up the stairs one after another until I reached the boys dorm.

I timidly opened the door, and the soft snoring and mumbling vibrated the room. I felt my way over to Remus' bed. I climbed into the sheets beside him and felt him jump.

"Oh, Y/n it's you". He whispered as he settled into the bed again.

"Sorry if I scared you, i'm just worried about the game tomorrow". I frowned.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close, our faces inches apart. His warm breath cascading across my skin.

"I'm always here". He smiled in the dark. I kissed his nose as he laughed.

"That's cheap". He smirked as his lips met mine. His hands roamed my body all the way down to my hips. One hand rested lightly on his abs, the other his face as I drew my finger across his jawline. His hands moved further down gripping my inner thigh.

A light suddenly clicked on causing us to quickly jump apart. There was peter sitting up and looking at us with an unimpressed look.

"If your gonna do this in here, you have to silencio yourselves". He said blankly.

"We weren't doing- that". Remus tried to explain.

"I already have to listen to James and Sirius' "lady friends", I don't wanna listen to one of my actual friends". He smirked.

I could only laugh at the look on Remus' face. That was when too more figures sat up.

"Oh hey Y/n". James waved happily from across the room. "OI Y/N? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?" He laughed with realization looking at me in Remus' arms.

"MOONY IS FINALLY LOOSING HIS V CARD?!" Sirius cheered as he hopped out of bed.

"No guys were weren't doing that". I face palmed.

"You know what, don't let us stop you". Sirius smiled as he walked over and turned off Peters lamp.

"Have a good night lovebirds". James said, as laughs could be heard around the room.

After a few minutes Remus whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry about that".

"It's ok". I giggled. "They are special".

"Goodnight Y/n". He said pulling me close.


~~~~~~~~~~|Time Skippppp|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(James POV)

The whole team had brought breakfast with them to the pitch so that we could have an early practice before the final game.

I tried my best to keep everyone hyped up before important games like this, but some seemed a bit more shaky than usual.

In the air I flew around them encouraging their successes and helping them out with their mistakes. After getting a lot of their nerves out in the air, many of them started to pick up and where whizzing around in the air.

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