Planning And Prosecution

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It was lunch in the great hall. The first snowfall of November casting a chill throughout the castle. The events of last week still turning over in my head.

I was at a table with the guys, seated away from the other students. We were trying to come up with a plan to get the map back.

"So how the hell did you find this passage again?" Peter questioned, as Remus and I looked to each other instantly recalling the events that lead up to that moment.

"Well-we uh......" Remus said becoming flustered.

"We were looking for books for our Herbology class. I pulled out a book that happened to open the door". I quickly stepped in. They gave us odd looks for a moment then moved on.

"You know how to get to it again?" Sirius asked as Remus and I both nodded.

"And you've been through it before?" James added.

"Yea, it's a bit small, but it's a wicked short cut to the sixth floor". I answered.

"Do you think Trelawney knows about it?" Peter wondered as Remus shrugged.

"If she does, she didn't take many precautions. It opened easily". He replied.

"We could go tonight". I said as the others pondered this.

"It's gonna take some planning". Remus started. "Getting from the common room and to the library without getting caught, that's a stretch".

"A heist". James smiled, as lunch ended and students started exiting the great hall.

"Come up to the dorm after classes". Sirius called to me before walking out of the hall with James and Peter.

In the corridor I knew I had charms with Lily next. I waved goodbye to Remus while he joined the others, and I went to search for her.

(Lily POV)

I was standing outside the charms classroom when y/n appeared around the corner making her way towards me.

"Hey". I said to her as we entered the classroom, and took our seats.

"Hey". She answered as she pulled out her books. "I'm gonna be with the guys after class, so don't think I died or anything". She said as I laughed.

"Good afternoon students, today we will be continuing our defensive spells". The professor explained.

We all took out our quills and parchment, and began to take notes.

"Did you hear the rumours about Christmas this year?" I asked y/n as we worked.

"No what about it?" She replied looking up from her books.

"Apparently there's some party happening this year. All fancy and stuff". I smiled.

"Like a ball? With dresses?" She questioned.

"Exactly". I winked. "And I'm sure Remus will ask you". I smiled, as she then threw her quill at me.

"Shut up". She rolled her eyes.

"COME ON. I know you like him". I taunted as she rested her head down on the desk.

"Fine". She admitted in a defeated tone, and I swore my jaw dropped. I wasn't expecting that.

"OH MY GOD!" I exclaimed.

"Shhh ladies". The professor called as I broke into a whisper.

"I knew it. Oh my god this is perfect". I said happily as she lifted her head up.

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