Danger And Detention

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The wicked snow had stopped over the past week. The sky was still a dull grey, and the air felt as if it could bite you with the shock of its cold. Lessons had resumed and the holidays faded away.

The boys and I were walking down to the library in the mid afternoon after our classes, to fulfil our detention from destroying a a whole corridor. Though Lily got a free pass since she had contracted the flu.

"This is all your fault Prongs". Sirius whined as we rounded a corner.

"Yeah, couldn't of kept it in your pants could you?" Remus shook his head in annoyance.

"Your in no place to speak lover boy". James teased Remus, as his face grew red.

"Why did it have to be the Library? We're going to be wiping down old books for an hour". Peter complained.

"The library". James shivered. "I never did like that place".

"Hey, I never had anything to do with that fire". Peter stated.

I gave a concerned look to Remus who only shrugged, causing me to smile.

(Remus POV)

Her bright smile shone back at me. I scratched the back of my neck. She always made me do that.

We walked through the large doors and into the library. It wasn't crowded, only a few students were studying silently.

Madame Pince approached, Her sharp eyes glaring at each one of us, as her heels tapped the ground with each step.

She stopped slowly, then looked us up and down before huffing.

"You three". She said as she gestured faintly towards James, Sirius, and Peter.

"Can mop all 29 isles, dust all 796 shelves, and re-organize all 2056 categories of books". She sneered at the others.

James, Sirius, and sometimes peter, we're known for vandalizing and destroying or exploding the library at least twice a year.

I assumed she may have favoured y/n and I because we were such avid students, who often visited the library. 

The others seemed intimidated. There were only 3 people on the planet that could scare a member of the marauders.

1. Professor McGonagal, 2.Y/N, 3. Madam Pince

She then tuned swiftly towards y/n and I. A smile tugging on her stubborn lips.

"You two can organize the restricted section". She said pulling a key and a piece of parchment out of her pocket, handing it to me.

"NO MAGIC". She said sternly.

"Go on". She waved us away, before walking back over to her desk.


Remus fidgeted with the small key in his hands. He looked up at me and smiled with a shrug.

We both walked over to the restricted section of the library. Neither of us had been in there before. Though now I could think of a reason i'd need to.

I thought of the locket hidden in my dorm, as Remus unlocked the door. Walking in, the area already felt darker and dustier.

I considered the idea of telling the guys. I didn't wanna feel like I was hiding a secret from my best friends. Though it was something Dumbledore trusted me with and I didn't want to break that........ But if it was one of them they would tell me?

I took the small sheet of parchment from Remus, opening it up to reveal how the books should be organized.

I walked around the shelves upon shelves of books thinking that madame Pince must've really hated Remus and I, only to find that every book was already in its place. She had given us a version of a get out of jail free card.

A Book And A Boy ( Young Remus X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now