Christmas And Confusion Pt 2

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I walked out into the courtyard, the bright sun making me squint my eyes as I walked over to a massive group of students.

"Hey, there you are?" Remus said as he examined my worried features.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I forced a smile.

"I'm great". I said unconvincingly as he seemed suspicious, but chose to leave it alone.

"Alright everyone!" A student began with a smile. "As you can see there's snow barriers around the courtyard for each team, last team to forfeit wins! NO MAGIC INVOLVED!" He said aggressively, before he abruptly smiled again.

I quickly grabbed Remus' hand as I dragged him over to a snow wall, while everyone else booked it for cover behind theirs.

In mere moments, the sky was filled with balls of bright white. Everyone was getting absolutely pummelled by snow, especially one team in particular.


"Pads come on don't leave!"




I fell over onto Remus from laughing so hard as Sirius crawled away from the courtyard more scared then I had ever seen him before.

Teams were dropping off one by one as the hits became more severe. In only a matter of minutes it was down to Remus and I, VS Mary and Marlene, who were both very strong throwers.

I could see that they we're running out of energy, so I took those final moments to finish them off with a few more hits.

"OK CALL IT, IM DONE". Mary said as she threw her arms up in defeat, then pulled a dazed Marlene up to her feet and walked away from the courtyard soaked from melted snow and shivering.

Cheers erupted from both Remus and I, as the adrenaline was still pumping coarsely through my veins. With a sudden burst of courage I kissed Remus on the cheek, his face going instantly red while he failed to hide it.

I walked over to the others who were all bitter in their losses.

"Cheer up, maybe next year". Remus said as he lightly elbowed James with a prideful smirk.

(Remus POV)

The day had been crazy, It had been a long time since I'd ever felt this type of happiness. The kind that feels so full and permanent.

We were making our way down to the great hall together as the decorations along the halls twinkled with light. We entered the great hall and I was immediately hit with the scent of the feast before us, the hall was now restored back to its warm atmosphere rather than the silver theme from the prior night.

We sat together and laughed about the day and what we had all done together over the past months. I could see the twinkle of happiness in y/n's eyes. It was something beautiful, it was what I imagined pure magic to be.

She must of felt my obvious staring, as she turned to make eye contact with me from across the table. She was unable to stop a smile from impulsively breaking apart her lips.


I watched his expression. I don't think i've ever seen him like this. He was purely and contently happy, and I hoped that he could stay this way forever.

After we had all finished our super we had retired up to the common room, it was only 8:00pm, but we all sat contently either playing wizards chess, or reading, but Remus wasn't with the group.

A Book And A Boy ( Young Remus X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now