Explanations And Temptations

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(Remus POV)

I felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders. The guys had seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth, but I didn't care. I had y/n back.

We left the store walking down the cobblestone street, as leaves blew across dancing in the light wind.

Neither of us spoke for a moment and we were just enjoying each other's presence. I could feel y/n looking at me. She seemed to be debating something within herself.

"Rem, can I ask you something?" She questioned, and I knew what was coming.

"Yea?" I replied looking to her.

"I uh...." She slowed. "Was there a reason why you didn't kiss me that night?" She stopped and turned to me.

I scratched the back of my neck. I had a lot of words I wanted to say, and my emotions were scattered. "Well, I didn't want it to be like that..........in front of all those people and......" I trailed off.

"It?" Y/n questioned as I had no idea how to explain it to her. I did want to kiss her a lot. But I didn't want it to be so forced like it would have been.

"I wanted to kiss you". I said making eye contact.

"Then why didn't you?" She said quietly.

"Because I wanted it to go like this". I said with sudden confidence, as I moved in cupping her face as our lips touched. I stoped myself and pulled away.

"I'm sorry if you didn't- And then she pulled me into another kiss. It was like ecstasy, she rested her hands on my chest as I held her face. She tasted of sweet cinnamon and honey. Nothing could have been more perfect than this. We parted for a moment, but I soon lent in again smiling into the kiss before we parted once more.

She was so close to me, hands still rested on my chest as she looked up to my eyes. I was bewildered.

"Why would a girl like you, ever like some poor bloke like me". I spoke, as she simply smiled.

"Why not?"

Those words made me laugh as she moved beside me to walk again.

"Think we should go find the others?" I asked her.

"Yea their probably at the 3 broomsticks by now". She answered.

At that we ventured the rest of the way down the street towards the three broomsticks in a comfortable silence, as I thought over the new possibilities that could come into place.

(Lily POV)

I was sitting at a table with the guys. I couldn't find anyone else I knew and this was my best option. I was internally stressed about y/n. Who knows if her and Remus were even with each other right now. But as if on queue, the bell on the door rang.

In walked y/n and Remus, laughing together. 'thank the lord'. I thought to myself as they made their way over to our table. Y/n sat beside me and Remus beside Sirius.

"The gangs back together again!" An over exited James exclaimed.

"Yea, I was starting to worry about you two". Added Peter, as Madam Rosemerta brought over a round of butter beers to the table.

I took a sip of butter beer when I noticed y/n and Remus were both being quiet. I mean they always were that's kinda their thing but they were being too quiet.

I elbowed her lightly. "You okay?" I whispered to her.

"I'm great". She said with a suspicious smile.

"OK then". I laughed.


I was in a floating like state. I liked him. He liked me. I wanted to kiss him. He wanted to kiss me too. We kissed.

To be truthful, I didn't know where our relationship was going at the moment, but I couldn't help but think of what might be.

I looked at him from across the table, as he smiled back at me. Sirius and James were playing a game of marry, fuck, kill with each other as I could help but laugh at some of the answers. The game was kind of perverted but it was still hysterical.

"Hey Moony, marry, fuck, kill, for all of us". Sirius asked Remus with a sly smirk on his face.

"Marry myself, fuck this, kill you all".

The whole table was silent, before exploding with laughter. The look on Sirius face was priceless. I noticed that Remus couldn't help but smile a little at the chaos, that was James who had begun to cry tears of laughter, Peter who had slammed his head down on the table while laughing, then Lily and I who held onto each other's arms for support.

"ITS NOT FUNNY!" Sirius tried to speak, but was overcame by laughter.

During the commotion I noticed Regulus sitting at a table at the other side of the room with a few Slytherins. I was so drunk and made bad choices that night. I had no idea what to do. I looked away before he could make eye contact with me, and joined back in on the current conversation.

Not long after we had finished our butter beers we decided to make our way back to the train.

"So ladies". Sirius said eyeing the bags Lily and I were carrying as we walked past shops. "Care to share the costumes with us?" He smirked as I stopped and turned to face him. He looked relaxed but a flash of fear showed in his eyes.

"You have your entire life to be a perv, why not take today off?" I smiled as I began walking once more. Ahead of the group I could hear the boys all laughing at Sirius' severely hurt ego.

We boarded the train. I sat in the compartment with a now quiet Sirius. I felt a bit bad but it's not my fault his ego is as fragile as glass.

After we all tiredly made our way up to the common room, many students had already gone up to their dorms now exhausted from the trip. Lily was one of them and offered to take my stuff up for me.

I now sat on the common room couch with the rest of the marauders just hanging out before we'd call it a night.

"Do you think Trelawney is going to predict my death tomorrow". Remus asked while lying on his back on the couch staring at the ceiling.

"Nah mate, she's just a bit off her hinges that's all". Peter replied.

"Well she can be helpful? She once predicted that I would break my arm a quidditch match, and I did!" James said happily.

"Oh please, she's about as helpful as a white crayon". I said sarcastically, earring a few laughs from the group.

"Well I'm gonna head up guys". James said as he stood, everyone else doing the same.

A few good nights chorused around the room as only Remus and I were left at the bottom of each staircase.

I made eye contact with him, as I decided to walk a few steps over to him. I kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"Goodnight Remus". I said quietly, noticing a shade of pink appear on his face. I turned and left up the staircase without another word.

I entered the dorm and hopped into bed. Today was a whirlwind, but most of all I was happy I had my friend back, even if nothing more were to happen. With that I slipped into unconscious, dreaming solemnly.

A Book And A Boy ( Young Remus X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now