A Prosperous Proposal

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"A what....." I said.

"AN INVISIBILITY CLOAK!" Sirius bellowed while earning a slap from James.

"Padfoot are you mad? Going around screaming like that". James shook his head disapprovingly.

"Oh and this". Peter said passing me a blank piece of parchment.

"Why?" I said holding it up.

Remus took the parchment and held it out. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good". Remus said as he tapped his wand to the parchment and words began to form.

"Messers, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, And Prongs are proud to present the Marauders map?" I stated with confusion as I unfolded the parchment and a map of Hogwarts appeared.

The tiny foot prints of students appeared, many weren't moving seeing as it was late and passed curfew.

"Oh my god. ITS BRILLIANT!" I said examining it.

"How come she gets to yell?" Sirius complained.

"Hush Padfoot". James said with a finger pointing at him.

"So this is all of Hogwarts?" I asked.

"Secret passages and all". Peter added proudly while I smiled in awe.

"And remember to always close the map, or else anyone can read it". James explained. "Mischief Managed". He said tapping his wand to the parchment as the map faded from view.

"So be on your way!" Sirius said enthusiastically as he practically shoved Remus and I out of the portrait hole and into the dark of the staircases.

(Remus POV)

"Well that was nice of them". I said quietly in the darkness. I heard her laugh briefly.

"Lumos". I said as her face lit up in the wands light and I threw the invisibility cloak over the both of us.

We walked through the corridors carefully in the dark after I had put the light out. We stumbled quite a bit including almost falling off one of the platforms and walking into knights of amour that lined the walls.

We arrived at the pear portrait, where I took the cloak off us and tickled the pear the portrait, which opened up into a small passage way. The two of us climbed through as I shut the painting behind us.

"OH, MASTER LUPIN, MISSTRESS L/N". One house elf squeaked as we entered the kitchen.


"No, no, we're okay thank you". Y/n smiled kindly.

"MISSTRESS L/N IS TOO KIND!" The house elf spoke as it went back to cleaning a counter top.

"There so sweet". She spoke quietly looking to all the house elves running around the kitchen in hysterics.

"Yea....sweet". I laughed.

We both browsed around the kitchen just eating what we wanted, though I saw her put a few chocolate frogs in her pocket for later. I did the same.

We both shared a single bottle of fire whiskey as we sat on one of the empty counter tops together laughing. We each ate a few mints before we left just in case. If we were caught the smell of fire whiskey sure wouldn't help.

We thanked the house elves before I threw the cloak over us and we set out into the dark halls map in hand, just barely seen in the dim light that the lanterns along the corridors provided.

"That's not ideal". She said pointing her wand at the map. I looked to see a set of nearing nearing foot steps, professor Mcgonagall who was almost about to round the corner.

I panicked a little looking at the map. A small hideaway passage I knew to be behind a large tapestry was just on the right.


I felt Remus pull on my arm, as he lead us both through the dark and pulled me up into a small passage behind one of the tapestries.

It was rather small so I was facing towards him while pressed up against his chest while his hands had a slight grip on my waist. I could feel his heartbeat going a thousand miles an hour. I was glad it was dark so I could hide my face that was probably dark red. He was also quite tall, so the top of my head just passed his jaw and I swore I could smell the scent of sweet chocolate lingering around him.

I heard small gapped footsteps grow louder along with a bright light, as they passed the hideaway and soon after the light faded to black and footsteps to silence.

I hopped out of the portrait hole Remus just after me. I put the cloak over us again as we both continued along the corridors and up the stairs in silence, while I played the scene over and over in my head. The soft snores of portraits echoing throughout the castle.

We arrived at a snoring fat lady. She awoke with a start.

"OH MR, mr lupin, ms l/n". She said sleepily.

"Bleeding Bludger". Remus spoke quietly as she reluctantly opened up her portrait. We walked into the common room to see all of the boys still sitting on the couches.

"There you are". James said sleepily as I passed him the cloak and map.

"Moony come over here for a sec". Sirius said while beckoning him closer, until all four boys were whispering in a tight circle as I watched in confusion.

They all had happy but nervous expressions on their faces. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room as they finally broke apart and all stood to face me, looking at me in silence.

"How would you like to be the first female Marauder". James spoke as my face broke into a wide smile.

"Your not messing with me right?" I said suspiciously.

"Nope". Answered Sirius.

"Then yes". I stated calmly, though I was bursting with joy on the inside. The boys smiled as Sirius and and James lifted me up onto their shoulders.

"Guys put me down!" I tried to say seriously but couldn't help but laugh as I was dropped backwards onto the couch.

"So we need a nickname for you". Peter spoke.

"It has to be something around your animagus". Sirius added while thinking.

"How about prosper". I offered. "Since rabbits reflect good fortune and prosperity". I shrugged.

"I like it". Remus smiled.

"PROSPER IT IS!" James exclaimed as he tossed me the map. "Sign it with your wand". He said.

I took my wand out of pocket and added my nickname to the parchment so it now read 'Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs, And Prosper are proud to present, the Marauders map'.

We all smiled as we read the parchment. In that moment I knew who my people were. My whole life I had never really been stable. Not with a family at least. But sitting here with smiles on our faces, I finally realized I had made one instead................

A Book And A Boy ( Young Remus X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now