A Beautiful Birthday

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It had been a few days and I was getting used to using the time turner regularly for my new classes. I was relieved none of the boys had become suspicious of my where abouts, except for Remus who had questioned how I could have made it to ancient ruins and potions at the same time. I quickly changed the topic.

This morning when I awoke I was met with none other than Lily standing over my bed.

"Merlin Lily?!" I jumped up hitting my head off the back of the four poster.

"Ha- ppy birthday!" She said stretching out the ha. I rubbed the back of my head as she shoved a gift in my face.

"Thanks lils". I smiled untangling the ribbon on the pink stripped box.

Inside there was a black set of a lace bra and underwear so small I wasn't sure it would even cover anything at all.

"God Lily". I said immediately putting the lid back on the box.

"Come on y/n!" She laughed. "I'm sure Remus will love them".

I stood rolling my eyes, walking towards my wardrobe to place the box inside. "Fine i'll keep them. Not because of Remus, to be clear". I tried to hide my blush.

"Mhm". Lily hummed as she grabbed her things. "I'll meet you in the commons okay?"

"Yeah I'll be down in a sec". I replied as she left out he door.

Today, October 16th was my birthday. It was okay, I guess. I didn't mind my birthday much anymore. As a kid to me it had always felt so magical and special, a real milestone in your life. But kids grow up sometimes. and so did I.

Finishing brushing my hair, I quickly grabbed my book bag before leaving to the commons.

Walking down the stairs and into the common room I stopped at the bottom of the stairs. The room was dead empty. I guess no one had waited for me. The silence felt loud. It was wrong of me to expect them to all wait for me, but a part of me still felt a bit disappointed.

"SUPRISEEEE!!!" The room exploded as everyone jumped up from behind couches, out from curtains, and out of wardrobes and closets. The room boomed with Filbusters wet start fireworks as they whooshed with colour around the room.

"Guys!" I smiled overtaken by joy as I moved towards the centre of the room where I was swept up in a tight hug.

"Happy birthday y/n". Remus whispered in my ear as he let me go while James, Sirius, then Peter continued to give a chorus of hugs and happy birthdays.

"I can't believe this- this is amazing". I stuttered. "You guys did all this?"

"You didn't think we'd forget did you?" James smiled wide.

"Well it was Remus' idea actually". Sirius mentioned.

"We just helped with the planning". Peter added.

I could see Remus blushing as he rubbed the back of his neck shyly. I walked up to him pulling him by his tie down to my height. "You Remus Lupin, are the most romantic boy i've ever met". I smiled into a kiss. Only letting go of his tie afterwards.

"We all have gifts to give you later y/n". James grinned as he put his arm around my shoulders while we walked out of the common room.

"Uhm, who's gonna clean that up". I said trying to look back behind me.

"It's your birthday don't worry about that". Sirius waved it off. "I'm sure we'll just let McGonagal give us a detention for it later".


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