A Malignant Mystery

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In the early hours of the morning I was awoken to lantern light shining in my eyes. James hovered over my bed with an obviously tired face.

He didn't have to say much as I rolled out of bed. James had set down the lantern to finish packing his trunk. The sky was still dark and the house calm and quiet. We had to be up early in order to make it to the station in time for the train.

After changing my trunk was quickly packed. I trudged it down the stairs as quiet as I could, setting it next to the rest of the luggage by the door. In the kitchen breakfast was spread across the table. The sun had peaked over the tree line slowly rising giving a warm glow to the home. Remus was sitting at the kitchen table with Sirius and James. His eyes met mine, I could see him struggling to hide a smile. We had decided to tell everyone once we made it to the train.

I had helped Euphemia load our things into the car along with the boys. Remus' hand brushed against mine and When I tried to pull away he grabbed it and held it tight. He gave a squeeze and I smiled trying to hide a blush. Satisfied he released my hand and got in the car next to me and the others.

The car ride was long and the sun had fully risen by the time we reached the station at 9:20am. The train left at 9:30am precisely. I thanked Euphemia profusely before entering the train. She followed us to our window where our compartment resided. She had a shocked look on her face before gesturing James to lean out the window.

"Take this and be careful please, it's an heirloom". She handed him a small box. When he opened it, a rose corsage vibrantly appeared.

"Why do I need this?" James shook his head.

"You'll see, I'm sure you'll all have much more fun than usual this year". She smiled.

"What?" Remus poked his head out from behind James' dark curls.

"In time my dear".  The trains whistle blew and wheels began to turn.

"What's going on!" I stressed.

"You're hiding something mum!"

Euphemia only waved as the train began to inch further and further from the platform.

"Hey! Hey! What's happening at Hogwarts this year!" Sirius complained. But it was too late we were to far for any answer, not that we were going to get one. We sunk back into our seats defeated and confused as hell.

Peter had rejoined the group and we welcomed him warmly with smiles and hugs. I hadn't seen lily pass by yet so I had told the boys i'd be back after i'd found her. I left the compartment searching the train for her and presumably Marlene and Mary who she'd sat with since first year.

The many compartments passed in blurs and before I knew it I had spotted Lily. I swung the door open and she immediately stood along with the other girls to bear hug me.

"I missed you all so much". I hugged tighter.

"Two months is way too long". Lily laughed along with the others.

We released and chatted for a bit about anything new that had happened over the eventful summer. When it became my turn I thought of Remus and decided I should tell them.

I tried to hide a smile. "Remus and I are together again".

"OH MY GOD YES YES YES!" Lily sprung as I laughed.

"What did he say?!" Marlene gushed.

"Guys guys let her speak". Mary calmed.

"I just told her how much I love her and how I could never let her go again, I was an absolute idiot". Remus was standing at the compartment door, a sweet smile that could make anyone melt on his face.

A Book And A Boy ( Young Remus X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now