Christmas And Confusion Pt 1

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I awoke to darkness, only moonlight peeking through the curtains. I felt as if I could sleep for a hundred years, but I could not fall back asleep for the life of me.

I checked my clock, 6:30am, it was still early but I decided it was good enough. Besides it wouldn't be long before the others woke up, it was Christmas morning after all.

I felt a smile break apart my lips, as I grabbed everyone's gifts, quietly left the dorm and walked down to the common room. I had never truly had time to appreciate the decor that was put up for the holiday season. As dawn broke, sun light trickled in through the windows, the Christmas tree twinkling alongside the ambers of the dying fire.

I sat on the couch, taking in the warm smell of holly, that always seemed to fill the common room during christmas time.

After a while, the sun had fully risen, and I could hear the sound of feet trampling down the stairs.

Most of the school had stayed for the ball, so the common room became more crowded than it usually was during the holidays.

Many students were all opening their gifts together around the room. The other marauders and Lily weren't up yet. I couldn't really blame them after the previous night though.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, Mary, Marlene and Molly all stood behind me bright smiles on their faces.

"Happy Christmas y/n". They all said in union as they shoved presents at me.

"Happy Christmas guys". I said with a laugh as I passed each of them their gifts as well.

Mary had gotten me a large candle of my favourite scent, Marlene had gotten me a perfume that I quite liked, and Molly had gotten me a massive box of chocolates and sweets.

Everyone thanked each other for their gifts, before branching off towards other friends to give them theirs.

I smiled as I sat alone on the couch watching everyone grinning with joy, weather they were giving or getting.

In the blink of an eye, I was yanked to my feet and put into a bone crushing hug.

"James *gasp* Air". I said as he let go still smiling.

"Happy Christmas Prosper". He said, as the others came into view beside him.

They all looked well rejuvenated, it was a Christmas miracle. Everyone was holding gifts of all sizes in their arms.

Some of us sitting on the couch, and some on the floor, we began to open our gifts. I had gotten everyone something unique to them, no matter the cost.

James a new broom, Sirius an ordinate mirror and a silver comb, Peter a diary (he has to many undelt with emotions), Lily a beautiful pair of heels, and Remus the largest box of chocolates I could find, and a beautiful vintage edition of wuthering heights, which he mentioned he hadn't read yet.

I felt a shiver run up my spine, I was only wearing a t-shirt and sweats, the castle wasn't always well insulated considering it's age.

"Do you want mine?" Remus offered standing up.

"Wouldn't you be cold?" I asked.

"Wolf perk". He whispered as I rolled my eyes.

He pulled off his sweater and I couldn't help but notice how his shirt underneath rose up for a moment, displaying his lightly toned abs.

He passed me his sweater and as I pulled it over my head I could smell a scent so familiar it was like home.

I loved watching everyone's faces as they opened their gifts, but I watched Remus most intently.

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