A Little Help In Hogsmeade

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It was Sunday morning as I awoke to small giggles and chatter. I sat up to see an exited Lily, Mary, and Molly all talking to each other from their beds.

The whole week I had been out of commission. I hadn't spoken to Remus since that night. I was still a bit hurt, but that was my fault. I gained feelings for him. He was one of my best friends, and I could see he didn't want to ruin it with an awkward kiss.

On the other hand there was Regulus. I had no clue what to tell him. Every time I saw him I made an excuse not to talk to him. That night I was drunk and sad. We didn't go any further than making out but I felt guilty. He seemed to expect something more of our relationship now that I couldn't give, because I didn't feel it.

"Come on y/n". Lily said hopping out of her bed. "We'll cheer you up today". She said as she dragged me out of bed.

The rest of the girls were getting ready as I did my hair as usual, put on light makeup, and decided to wear blue mom jeans with a tight fitting black long sleeve. It was getting close to the end of October and was now more chilly.

All of us walked down to breakfast in the great hall. As I walked through the door I tried my best to not look at the boys. Another perk with being on the outs with Remus was that I felt like I shouldn't hang around with the other guys. I felt bad ignoring them the past week, I was a marauder myself after all.

I sat at the far end of the table with Lily, out of sight of the guys.

"Y/n you should try to make up with Remus, i'm sure he meant well". She said quietly as I sighed.

"I don't know Lily, he was just my friend but I don't know why it hurt so much". I said as I took a bite out of my toast. Lily looked to me with a smug smile.

"That's because your in love with that boy y/n". She laughed as I stared at her wide eyed.

"I don't Love him!" I said in defence.

"But you like him". She said pointing her finger at me which I slapped away.

"Fine........maybeIsortakindahavelikethesmallestthingforhim". I said quickly.

Lily's grin grew wide. "I KNEW IT!" She yelled causing everyone to stare at us, as I buried my face preparing for what the day would bring.

(Remus POV)

As I boarded the train I caught a glimpse of y/n entering a compartment with Lily. I missed her. A lot. I didn't know what to do or how to talk to her. It took the absence of her presence, of her laugh, hell even her smile. To make me realize how used to her I had become.

I sat in a compartment with the rest of the guys and stared out the window absent mindedly. I heard the guys whispering to each other as I tried to distract myself with the scenery the train passed.

"Hey Moony, can you go grab us a few liquorice wands from the trolley? Thanks!" Sirius said not waiting for an answer as he and the others practically shoved me out of the compartment and into the hall as they slammed the compartment door behind me. I stood confused in the isle.

"What the fuc-"

(James POV)

We all really missed y/- I mean we felt bad for Moony. He was out of it for the whole week. The rest of us were more confused about why he didn't kiss her. We thought he liked her, a lot.

"Okay, now that Remus is gone we can scheme". Padfoot said excitedly.

"Because I miss her- I mean I miss Moony being happy". He laughed suspiciously.

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