STRAIGHT 1 (coinpin or some shit)

817 6 5

Metal circle x tacky tack

Right hand man, partners in crime

Coiny made a promise with Pin that day. They declared themselves partners in crime.

Ever since BFDIA, their friendship blossomed into a vessel of life. The pin and the coin became almost inseparable. One couldn't have the other gone (you could say they were two sides on the same coin). A heads and a tails, forever imbued together. It was too magical of a friendship; perhaps the chemistry between them bound them together.

It was like they were truly indeed meant for each other. Like brother and sister perhaps, but Coiny and Pin were more than that. At least that was what they thought their fate was.

That was until Coiny mysteriously vanished from the land. As far as Pin's eyes could scan, as much as she traveled across the land she was well versed in, and as much as she familiarized herself with the grooves of the mountains and the flow of the earth, she had ultimately failed searching for her lost friend. It was an abrupt disappearance, one that was least predictable and seemingly most convenient.

Pin did not have the patience to wrap her head around the abnormalities and the nonsense surrounding this unfortunate loss, so she wandered straight for civilization scattered across the plain, piss colored fields. Screw that mathematical spinach for dyeing the grass with piss.

The tacky tack did indeed ask around, but it appeared that they too were about as clueless as her. Coiny's disappearance raised nothing but confusion. Some denizens even appeared apathetic to the situation.

"Oh, I haven't interacted with that guy in a long time. If he did indeed go missing, I probably wouldn't have even noticed." Eggy mumbled ungratefully. Pin tried to ignore how little some people actually cared for others other than their own friends, but sometimes it felt impossible to ignore.

"What, you want me to locate Coiny for you? Sorry, but I don't have time taking on useless chores from useless people, I'm investing my time on matters of actual significance!"

"Golf Ball, you're saying that a literally missing person isn't of importance to you?"

"If anything TB, Coiny could just die and he'll come back here in an instant. What's the point in searching if he can come back straight away anyways?"

Pin felt a bit annoyed at Golf Ball's impertinent lack of empathy. Golf Ball was surely quite a busy person, but Pin wished she had more respect for others around her.

"GB, what if Coiny doesn't make the conscious decision to kill himself? He can't just do that, we don't even know if Two can revive people yet!" Pin interjected.

"Well whatever. In the end, this is all a you problem, you're more concerned about a coin than I ever will be. So good on you I guess." Golf Ball sounded incredibly sarcastic, which ticked off Pin a lot. And that was the end of it. Golf Ball didn't want to hear any of this, and Tennis Ball followed suit. Though Pin thought she could make out a mouthed "Sorry I couldn't help!" from Tennis Ball.

Eventually, after that short argument, Pin was met with more clueless and careless responses. Guess she couldn't even grab a single clue of Coiny's whereabouts from any of the objects.

A promise suddenly ran through Pin's mind the moment she considered giving up the search.

"We're partners in crime Pin. And that's a fact. If it turns out something goes wrong with know the drill."

That's right! Partners in crime!

How could Pin forget about the time she and Coiny robbed over a vigintillion dollars from the bank? It was the most exhilarating experience ever: committing a crime that is.

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