Strange dream i had

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Is this the spot to talk about an actual dream i had instead of just being another one shot...?

Nah fuck it i wanna talk about it lol

I had this weird dream, so basically my neighborhood was in flames
And i had to evacuate as soon as possible before i got burnt alive by fires moving at ridiculous speeds
So I did evacuate and I got into my parents' car with all the things I tried to bring with me

And then we drove away through our neighborhood to get out

That was just part one, a ridiculously short dream that I woke up from. I tried looking at my surroundings after i woke up, but everything was still too dark so I suppose SLEEP IN AGAIN

Then the strangest thing happened, I managed to continue that strange dream I had before, but momentarily

BUT, I continued this dream with the extra DLC of gaining sentience and realizing I could answer my question about dreams, inside a dream

What did dreams really look like???

Good thing that question came up when it did so I could take a closer look and really see how everything looked

Surprisingly...everything looked like it was ripped straight from reality, no joke. I could see those insanely detailed trees or something and the houses too, they looked too real

It was like I was back in reality and fully awake, but not really, which was a bit scary ngl

And then I turned back around to see the inside of the car cuz i was in it and it too looked pretty much exactly like the one I ride on irl

I thought I could hear my parents talk about something really deep and philosophical that probably ran over my pea-sized brain

I wanted this dream to last longer than it did already, so I tried keeping my eyes open as long as possible. I think I blinked only once

BUUUUUUTTTT  something bizarre had to happen obviously

While I tried to keep my eyes open, suddenly there were these gray veins that grew from the corners of my eyes until it just devoured the whole entire image in front of me

It moved really quick too, like I had no time to react other than shock

I think everything started to look really grainy too, and then DARKNESS CAME BACK

I finally woke up to reality

So thats about it I not only got to see how a dream looks in person but I also managed to experience how a dream ends as well
Because usually they end very abruptly for me and I don't really get to see how it ended, so this was interesting

Also when it comes to remembering dreams, I can certainly remember the actual events but not exactly how they looked
Its like a foggy image whenever I try to remember dream surroundings

That was a bit crazy lol
This was just a little something I wanted to talk about, lemme know if you want more of these (maybe in a separate book) or we can just go straight back to oneshots

Bye byeee for now, I'll be getting back to working on this cringefest :DDD

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