STRAIHGT 5 (Donut x barf bag request)

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Ew vomit x bagel brain

(Ty @ThatOneGuy2009 for requesting this, I apologize for the wait)

(A/n: also I found a banger song in the top give it a listen while you read ig imma be doing this more often btw)

Where is my diary

Donut really wished he had his diary again, as it was to be forever lost in the hands of a certain LOSER.

A lot of events took place daily, some of which were in particular, quite noteworthy. Without a medium to preserve these moments with, Donut was left to reminisce of these things within his mind and soul.

Nothing directly from the moment to look back on...and nothing to accurately capture how sick he felt lately.

Without a diary to sort out his thoughts in, Donut was finding himself a lot more stressed out than usual. Nothing was there to help him deal with such confusing feelings, leaving him in more of a daze.

I hope nobody notices.

The worst thing anybody could do was find this out.


It was another one of those days where Donut didn't feel like doing anything, not that there was really much to do anyways. No challenges to do, no entertainment, no conflict, just nothing. During times like these was when Donut heavily wished that he could just write again to take his mind somewhere else, to occupy it.

That was not the reality unfortunately. Really the only thing Donut could even think of doing was reflect back on himself and his surroundings. It was not pleasant at all.

Many things ran circles through his mind. Although there wasn't many things that he thought about, the things he did ponder about were very complicated ideas. They were enough to keep him busy for the meantime...but could it last him for months on end just so he could make it to the second freaking episode?

The more he thought about it, the more he became invested. Perhaps it could, hopefully. When was this next challenge going to start? Nobody had any idea. All they could do was tarry around until Two did something about them.

Ah...TPOT. Donut wished he could write about it in his diary.

What was so special about TPOT anyways? Was there a wonderful prize to battle for? Well, yes actually. Had it been enjoyable so far? The first challenge was quite...interesting. What about the people he had to work with in order to have a chance at winning?

There's that W.O.A.H. Bunch with Coiny's girlfriends or something; guess they can't move on from the past huh? Donut snarkily thought to himself. There was also Gaty and Saw, but Donut honestly didn't care about them that much yet. Then there was...oh how he hated this persistent feeling he got from even thinking about her.

It was Barf Bag. She was previously his team member on Team Ice Cube, and here they are, still here together. Obviously Donut felt the happiest about staying with her on another team; he thought that maybe she could help him put off some stress. She's at least someone he knew very dearly on this team. Maybe they could just talk for a bit, spend time together yet again in an unknown, strangely familiar territory. Donut cringed at how innocently he thought back then when they were still forming teams.

Now he just can't stand it. He just can't stand how strangely his heart reacted whenever he caught sight of her now. He can't stand how his legs trembled ever so slightly when trying to conversate with her nowadays; he just can't handle how sick his feelings towards Barf Bag made him. Fittingly, he felt like puking whenever Barf Bag somehow appeared, whether inside his mind, from the distance, or right in front of him.

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