gaaay 6 (Fubble request)

791 13 12

Bub L x haters in a nutshell

(Thanks @kiper2003 for requesting sorry this one took me so long)


It was an overbearing thing, that damning alliance

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It was an overbearing thing, that damning alliance.

You could go two ways about it. You could try to bear with those losers, or wish all hell upon them. They could go fucking die in a pit for all she cared. What a bunch of bratty, snobby teenage girls, she thought (much to her awareness, she was being hypocritical).

Meanwhile, someone else couldn't take the thought of berating them so harshly like that. Funnily enough, they were a part of this alliance, so of course they had attachment issues.

"You're not even a member in that stupid girl clique anymore! What the fuck were you expecting from them? Appreciation for your existence?" Fanny spat onto the floor. "Pfft, like they give two shits about you anymore."

Bubble seemed offended by this. "Fanny, no, it's not like that at all! I get that you care about me and all, but that doesn't mean you can go spit in my alliance's face. Even though I don't really like being in it anymore..."

"Ignorant bastards like them deserve no respect. If those idiots want to disrespect others, then I'll have them obliterated." Fanny retorted that with no remorse at all, stamping the ground in rage.

"I would appreciate it more if you not only respected me but also respected my wishes! Please don't actually go and harass Match and Pencil for whatever terrible war crimes they've committed, I promise it doesn't help a single bit!" Bubble's voice trembled when saying that. She felt conflicted about what she just said, which was reflected in her doubt-riddled voice. She unknowingly tried to reach for something to hold on to in order to keep her balance, though there was nothing. "Fanny, please know that an eye for an eye really isn't the best solution to this."

"The fuck you talking about? Clearly they didn't understand shit when you tried to confront them back there. Clearly they couldn't care less about you, so why do you still care?"

"Because they're my friends—?"

"Bubble, they're not your fucking friends anymore. HOW HAVE YOU STILL NOT REALIZED THAT YOU ARE IN A DYSFUNCTIONAL ALLIANCE? What about the numerous times your alliance has shown toxic behaviors towards not only you but everyone else who happened to be around them? Pencil and Match are beyond evil, how could you STILL LIKE THEM?!"

Bubble wanted nothing else but a reality check to the face. Fanny had just given her the final hit to those glass walls surrounding her oblivious mind. Even though her alliance members were quite cruel, she gave them the benefit of the doubt...and it didn't prove anything worthwhile.

All that gave her was the crushing reality that Pencil and Match were not like before, back in the good days.

Her little fantasy crumbled inside her mind, and Bubble found nothing fit better than crying her heart out.

"Don't you understand Fanny? It's easier said than done when you tell me to just leave them behind like that...I thought you'd be more thoughtful..."

"I am being thoughtful by telling you directly to stay the fuck away from them. I dunno WHERE you got the impression that I would go easy on your deluded ass; you should've already known that I go hard when I need to."

Deluded ass?! Fanny was being much more vulgar and unassuming towards Bubble than usual, which scared her the most to even hear those stinging curses thrown her way. She sobbed relentlessly, rubbing her eyes and covering her face soaked in tears.

"And that's that, Bubble. Snap back to reality and realize that you shouldn't be feeling anything sentimental towards those douches anymore. Never become too attached, if I learned anything about this cruel world, it's that. I'm only telling you all this to save yourself, since nobody else will. Not even me." Fanny turned her back towards Bubble's crumpled figure that lay on the ground. She weeped vehemently. Fanny was ready to leave, but let out one final message.

"You have no idea how important it is to doubt. So I'll ingrain it in your head; I hate you. Just like everyone else, I hate you. Remember that, I'm just making our relationship clear."

She walked away bitterly, without further word.

Bubble was left to question what seemed to her a blossoming friendship with Fanny, now in ruins because of her whole debacle with her freaking alliance. She continued to lie on the ground in a fetal position, wondering if all of those times that Fanny was defending her was all out of regular object decency.

It was obvious as to how Fanny was like in personality. Of course Fanny wasn't interested in pursuing something more with Bubble. What was she thinking, being friends with Fanny? Fanny was a blunt, honest person, which Bubble liked better than her untrustworthy alliance. She wished Fanny was less on the critical side; it hurt her self esteem a lot when talking with her.

Should she join Fanny and leave everything behind for once? Start some new beginnings?

Bubble continued to lie on the ground in her fetal position, this time her tears rained down much less frequently. They were slow, singular tears that crawled down the sides of her face.

She was left to think about Fanny and to contemplate her dysfunctional social relationships.

Fanny left her and the only thing she could do about it was think.

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