STRAUGGT 11 (eraser x bell request)

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Meat slab x chinese

This is a fluff warning
Take caution
You will die

thank you @OreMango for requesting highly dangerous material

Sweet, bittersweetness

Flitting away in a mere millisecond; that would be a helpless leaf.
But a day's worth could be compared to the same dwindling leaves.

One such example, was Tree's entire pragmatic character. He spent his years trying to develop the carefully crafted image of a wizened, knowledgeable fellow. And yet you could easily go from commanding a stoic, dignified presence, to becoming another teenage wreck, bawling among the masses you thought to be inferior. The ones whose eyes once looked up to a unanimous teacher figure, now looked at Tree in hopeless consolidation.

In one single day, Tree was shred of all that made him recognizable. For that, he sought comfort in another person; to alleviate his feelings of dread, he went up to a jovial bottle. That couldn't have made him happier.

On the other hand of this spectrum, instead of collapsing in a blink of an eye, you explode.


Eraser was fucking FURIOUS. The last thing he needed was another close friend taken away from him: last second.

Blocky's gone, and now Pen too.

Eraser, with mouth agape, couldn't hold onto the pistol any longer. He shuddered at the sight of his best friend's limp corpse; Eraser could have never imagined that he was responsible for rendering his future wingman dead.

W–wha?!! What am I thinking, wingman...?

His best friend was gone for good. He didn't know where that feeling of hopelessness came from, but it rocked him onto his knees.

The foreign feeling of losing someone forever can hit hard. In this case, it ran over Eraser a dozen or so times, stabbed him in the chest, and sent him into a frenzied sprawling on the floor. Pain.

A gun thudded onto the floor.

And a dumb realization joined it. It had left Eraser's nonexistent brain hours ago.

Pain to such degree never existed in this world, because Eraser wasn't busy crying over his stupid boyfriend's dead body. He was instead, situated on the grass in a lying position, sitting up to find a lovely garden!


"Oh, so you're finally awake!" Bell rejoiced, with a dangling watering can in her mouth. Some sprigs of water spilled out onto a couple tulips. "How're you doing?"

Eraser looked around almost frantically, a hand to his forehead. He couldn't believe all of THAT was just an unfortunate nightmare. Now THIS had to be a much too pleasant dream.

"Uh, I—um, how did I get here?"

Eraser took the time to feel the soft blades of grass. Pretending to be Goldilocks for a minute, he pulled his hand away from the deceptively soft grass. This is definitely too comfortable. It feels just like a soft bed.

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