touchy the sequel (tren part 2 yike)

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It's the moment y'all been waiting for, tren trash part 2...?

ink disPENser x broccoli AGAIN (bruh)

The bruh moment everyone has been waiting for

"I'm alone now. Is that what you wanted?"

A voice resonated behind Pen's back. He recognized that Aussie accent immediately.

"...Fuck you doing here?"

He knew it, regretfully. Pen did not take him too kindly here.

"I just..." Tree took a single step forward, his knees slightly bent and a hand on his arm, "...want to see you again."

Dreadful silence took the place of conversation. Both felt very conflicted about each other as they stood awkwardly, their arms by their sides not knowing what to do. Pen's back was towards Tree, while Tree's expectant face gazed onwards, hoping for Pen to turn around and see him directly.

The one moment Pen did turn around though, was when Tree's little heart dropped. It plummetted down a stark mountain the moment he caught sight of that expression on Pen's face. It was so disconcerting to see that face in fact, that Tree almost mistakened it for his disappointed, ashamed mother.

"Then what the hell do you want? Do you want to see me or leave me bitch? Make up your mind for once, goddamn, I don't even know if I'm wanted or not anymore. I don't even know what ya'll haters want from me anyway if you're just gonna come here to confess your love to me or something."

Those ugly words tore at Tree's desperation even more than he thought. A weird, unpleasant sensation filled his throat, almost like he was going to cry and shout. Hatred only birthed more of its kind, it was making Tree's patience tick faster. Yet...he didn't find it fit to even raise his voice then.

"You're asking me what I want, but I was the one who thought of what you want, not the others. Hence why I'm here with you now."

The outhouse looks incredibly sexy right now...or even the hotel...Pen thought. Sexier than Tree, if he's even trying to be.

The one thing Pen was trying to avoid was eye contact with the monster before him. If he looked even once into those eyes...

...he'd sob a fit from how fucking atrocious they looked. He also didn't appreciate how it literally was just the two of them, standing a couple yards away from the bathrooms with nobody else touching grass on the spot. How fucking convenient. Where did everyone go? Pen needed someone to be with him so he could tolerate Tree's presence a bit better; it felt as if he was being tracked by a child molester. And worst of all, the sun was setting, FAST.

Pen barely heard what Tree had said to him and came up with a quick response on the fly.

"Yeah, uhh, you really think that what I want now is you, huh. You thought that I missed you. You thought I WANTED YOU back, yeah right, IN YOUR DREAMS!" He childishly spat in Tree's direction. "Did you not see how I felt back there when I wanted to leave?"

How you felt back there...obviously you wanted to leave us. For what reason? I'm trying to understand you, I really do, but it's hard to resolve fights with a ballpoint-brained idiot.

"Well, is it that hard to at least be appreciative? I, somebody who's previously shunned you for your decision to leave, is coming up to you and actually trying to make amends."

"And do you think anybody would appreciate how quickly their opposer switches up on them?! I don't even know how to feel, this isn't some stupid fairy tale! I may be a pen, but I'm also HUMAN, with real feelings too!"

Tree had it with Pen's blatantly obvious ignorance and density. He straightened himself up and put his hand on his chest, yelling at Pen for the first time.

"THEN WHAT AM I TO YOU?!! Am I not human either? Do you expect me to make my decision first-hand and stick with it for the rest of eternity? Pen, there's a thing called guilt. There's a thing called doubt. Those make us human, do they not exist to you? What kind of idealized utopia do you live in, you piece of shit? What is this thought process where you decide that I'm not even a person anymore, that Death P.A.C.T. is this dehumanizing cult? WHAT ARE WE TO YOU, WHERE IF WE EVEN CHANGE OUR MIND ONCE, YOU SUDDENLY DON'T TRUST US ANYMORE?"

Tree's yelling seemed to ripple across the grass. It almost made it seem like time froze in place, making the earth wobble and vibrate violently. Everything about Tree's voice became a proclamation of an anger—fertilized by hate—that bubbled and simmered to its highest temperature. If it was a physical outburst, it would make the grass around them wilt and burn them both to embers. Hot from the tongue, and spicy to the ears. It made the bathrooms, the anguished sky, and the grass blur and meld together into a giant mess.

Pen couldn't believe it, but once it started, he couldn't stop it anymore. He broke down into heavy tears.

"Am I not human for not even thinking of all of that...? Am I not human for being childish?" Pen's voice trembled terribly. It was quiet and humbled, but it felt distasteful. "What do you want out of me..."

Flowy tears drowned his cheeks and his words with it. The only thing he could do now was make a statement through actions.

Pen picked up his legs and started to plod along away from Tree. Never once did he look back as he picked up the pace and finally made the effort to run, just run. Run where? Pen didn't care about where, he just wanted to break and bound away from the person that was, Tree.

Tree was left behind to curl up and fall to his knees. In a sense he felt as if he failed in some way.

Not only did he fail to get through Pen's immeasurable arrogance and stubbornness, he failed to please the readers expecting it all to end well for the two. They got left on a cliffhanger, only to read this piece of shit.

Somewhere in his mind, he thought that it all could have ended better.

Just for a moment, he thought of something sacrilegous.

Then again...that would never happen. Pen left him and Death P.A.C.T. for good.


A/n: I am waaay too obsessed with angst lol but it's all part of the master plan anyways

All I want to do is tear your heart apart nothing personal :>

You know I was SUPPOSED to put some special cutscene-like art here but it's taking too long to finish might as well put the sequel here before it gets lost in the drafts

I'll put it here later if I get the chance

Anyways why am I making a one shots book if I don't even like any of the ships I'm writing? Idk I thought it would be kinda fun ngl

Also I literally don't understand Tren like how do you believe they have a chance with each other when all they ever did was hug, talk, and fight a little? like seriously even penraser makes more sense no offense

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