gay 5? (the bros)

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ink dispenser x slab of meat x Minecraft

Is it okay

"So I was thinking...right?" Pen started, tapping a pencil vigorously on a desk. "So I was writing something, and it was all okay and ight right? And then I cringed at it the moment I tried to even read it over, sooo I'd love it if you guys could kinda help out with this for me."

Blocky and Eraser were both caught off guard by this. Pen, a writer? Actually pursuing something productive other than death prevention? More likely than you'd think. They thought that it would be obvious enough (Pen is a fucking writing utensil), but considering how their friend was a bit surprising that someone like Pen actually pursued something akin to the arts at all.

And he wanted feedback for it.

"Whoa dude, you're doing WHAT now?" Blocky exclaimed. His attention was all on Pen now. Eraser smiled warmly and sat upright a little from the bench.

"Writing huh? Glad you could do something with your time broski."

"Aww, thanks guys. Though I don't feel like my writing skills are good enough to be complimented on yet, I'm kinda just starting out after all."

"Guess that's why you're asking us for feedback! Well to be honest, I don't really like reading much, like at all actually. So consider me your lucky guest cuz I'll read that shit for you as much as you'd like." Blocky said modestly. Then blocky began to read that shit

You know what fuck this

I need to stop taking this book so seriously it's the one reason why I'm laying it off

Lesgooo new plot cuz I don't wanna delete the old one and I have attachment issues

Mmmm gay

Blocky eraser and pen were dudebros being dudes hangin out watching Netflix or sum shit on television

They owned a house together because they were married and in a poly relationship

Pen went up from sofa to grab snack from cupboards when Eraser said

"I'm so bore, watching Netflix all day ain't doing it"

Blocky then suggested, "how about YouTube? That might help"

"Nah man, not even YouTube I'm just so vore"

Pen overheard as he grabbed popcorn

"Wha, vorw? Eraser, you want vore?"

"Oh shi—" Blocky said but it was too late; Pen already found his snack on the sofa

Pen begun to unhinge his entire jaw and his mouth was wide open, it looked like a fucking vacuum in there. Blocky looked onward in pure terror as he witnessed Pen violently stuffing Eraser into his mouth and then pen ate him he ate his fucking husband

Blocky couldn't help but notice how visceral Prn was when he swallowed his husband whole, it had an uncanny resemblance to a snake.

Because of Erasers size and the fact pen hadn't properly digested him yet now it looked like pen was preganant and Blocky had to watch all of that

Blocky was screaming in horror this was the worst prank ever he tried calling 911 on his cell phone. He had to call 911 on his husband Pen wtf

It was too late, Len ate the phone and then ate Blocky now he was double the pregamensy

"Yes, I am satisfied, stuffing my husbands in my tummy is very satisfying indeed I am so full"

Some say you could still hear the screams of the damned inside Pen's stomach

"...Pen...what the actual fuck was that?" Blocky asked in shock. Eraser chimed in,

"Yeah what the shit? Now I understand why you cringed at this oh god what have you created. I thought I banned ships in this universe"

Pen sighed, expecting this kind of reaction from his friends. He laid the pencil down and stopped fiddling around with it.

"Sorry...I was bored."

Blocky and Etaser simultaneously groaned.


645 word count

Thank you for reading my cringe it would help me out if you could just ahem, vote for more masterpieces like this I appreciate the thought :)))))))

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