STRAIGHT 8 (coineedy but something is wrong)

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Metal circle x needy stabber

I'm scared of love

She lost her motivation the moment pencil touched paper, not even a single word written down.

Needle sighed dramatically and slammed her head onto the table. Her arms lay unmoved, already too tired to do anything.

He already has her...she's his girlfriend now. There's absolutely no way I'm winning him over.

She had an innate desire to silently sob onto the blank paper, but the tears never came.

It was like Fanny had said to her earlier. Needle had asked Fanny for relationship advice when she was wandering around for help in that department, not that she even bothered to ask the right people. She just wanted help from anyone at all costs, even from the most ridiculous choices.

When she tried approaching an on-edge, pacing Fanny about her pent up feelings, Fanny had left quite the impression ingrained in her head for hours on end.

"Everyone, everywhere, literally can't hook up with each other without something GODAWFUL happening to them! It's like a series of unfortunate fucking events I tell you!!!"

Series of unfortunate events? Huh? What am I missing out on here? Needle was at an immediate loss. "Umm, seriously? Is it really that bad?"

"You clearly haven't touched grass in forever. If you even took a short, brisk walk outside for 5 minutes, you'll be guaranteed to find at least one couple fighting over personal shit or just not working out in general. I saw that with Pen and Tree. Heard he cheated on Tree to be with Eraser. And even that ended fucking awfully for him." Fanny retorted, rage building up in her tone and eyes. She was always angry, but everybody knew when Fanny had enough bullshit.

"Wh—you're kidding me?! Pen would never do that!" That was true, he would never even consider such SINFUL things. Cheating, what reason does anyone have for cheating? It's a fucking waste of time.

"You never know Needle. Suddenly he's become such a nervous wreck of an object that he's cutting relationships left and right. He got murdered for that. Even before hooking up with Tree, Pencil would always brag about having him as her submissive boyfriend. She said he would take anything to be with her. What a prick and what a simp. Speaking of Pencil, I had a massive fight with Bubble the other time about her brain dead alliance. Now I heavily regret it ever since...things could have worked out better AND IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF THIS—WHAT DO YOU EVEN CALL THIS?!!"

Being...out of character? Needle was absolutely horrified and backed away on the grass. "I—wow." She uttered shakily.

Fanny continued on with her rant to Needle's unfortunate terror.

"The other day Gaty completely cut off Saw and stopped talking to her for a while. You know why? Because Saw drew them doing the fricky-dicky together. Gaty called off the trip to Yoyle City they were gonna take together because she didn't even reciprocate Saw's feelings. She felt Saw to be way too obsessed or some shit. Oh, and don't even get me STARTED on Firey and Leafy...even Tennis Ball and Golf Ball." Fanny was running out of breath rambling on about the multiple incidents, all a result of the detriments of young love—it was certainly not to be underestimated—but it seemed to Fanny quite suspicious as to how devastating even being in one always was.

During all of this, Needle noted to herself, how everyone was becoming so very toxic apparently.

Needle nicknamed these collection of incidents for herself as, "Angst Fanfics in a Nutshell". She would take them to immense consideration from then on out when thinking about hooking up with somebody. After Fanny had scared her to death with the simple idea of even loving someone, Needle shut herself in both physically and mentally.

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