gae (6)9 (firey x loser request)

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Flame guy x BTS member

(thanks @pockyisgay here is your long ass oneshot)

Popularity, Fame

Firey liked Loser. Just like everyone else.

Honestly, Firey was just Firey. An air of nonchalance constantly surrounded him; it never mattered if he mattered. Nonchalance and normality quickly became his defining aura, so it would be most fitting if he joined the masses nonetheless.

Daydreams about a favorite idol, reveries in the lone night about that certain someone...Firey possessed no shame in sharing the common object's interests and thoughts. Those were random pressing matters that popped up once every now and then.

Nobody knew Firey for Firey, he was just a winner. A winner who never actually won anything, but held the name of a winner.

No particular defining character stuck out from the tepid flame. Burning ever mellowly, he never sparked or exploded in the midst of a sea of loser fangirls, fanboys, fan whatever. Sometimes he was prematurely mistaken for being a simple blank canvas...yet he never bothered with that fact.

Firey was okay with himself, and that was all that mattered.

Lukewarm nostalgic lights that hung little less than a foot over a table, a warm and welcoming atmosphere inside a favorite restaurant, maybe even the doormat home reminded of another simpler time. Little things, like good food, a comforting bed, a familiar house, the feel of the same old sidewalk that twisted throughout your neighborhood...the smell of a recent, scarce rainstorm, looking at a newly clouded over sky that you know so dearly...

Flowers that the neighbors tended to once in a while, peering over at neatly mowed over grass, observing someone's decorative...yet interesting design choices—a house probably shouldn't look like a full-blown circus. One of those "BEWARE OF DOG" signs that hung stagnantly on a wooden fence, wind chimes hanging off someone's porch that you could catch their chilling tunes from a mile away...Firey clearly remembered several haunting nights with those things swaying around. The press of piano keys and the lifting of the musty piano lid that came only once in a blue moon...and the night that brought itself back to life every other day. Where were those wonderfully glittery stars now? Oh how it matters little, the street lights are up and about again, illuminating the glossed over concrete street. He saw nothing in the darkness, yet felt it to be alive all the same.

Those dulled, yet pleasant memories of the intricacies of "life", Firey reveled in most. For he could care for nought of everything else, other than the things to be appreciated; those were the fleeting, bare minimum moments.

Firey was comfortable with simple pleasantries. Ultimately, that is what he had come to terms with. Not being overly complex, actually too simple even, but he knew how to appreciate little simpleton things.


Loser was fed up with all of this love. In no means did he think of it all to be feigned; Loser appreciated every single bit of it.

Sometimes Loser could...get a taste of an insignificant, common life again.

Longing is a weird, tugging feeling. It's a drive, and it drove Loser back to the beginning again. Where he never had to deal with gushing outpours of admiration, nor the constant guilt of learning that he divided a community. The constant pressure of putting up an idealized image of himself, he could do without in another time, another place.

Wishful thinking on his part. This was his life now. His name, known throughout the whole universe of Goiky, had already built a reputation for itself.

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