constructive criticism (tbgb sitting on a tree)

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Epic gamer x bossy bot

Constructive criticism

Golf Ball's philosophy was to be very thorough and critical with herself.

She followed this down to a T—maybe a bit too strictly—but she stuck to it like glue nevertheless. It was her tried and true way of thinking and going about things after all. As a result, her finished mechanical side projects never gave her quite the same satisfaction with completing them as it did for others. Golf Ball always analyzed and picked out the flaws in her products instead of settling with what she had made; it was tiring, but Golf Ball would rather go through meticulous observation than waste the time to be proud of such things.

Hell, it was even written in her own tips and tricks book.

Tip #2763: Don't be a self-absorbed brat and overestimate your lackluster abilities. Understand your limits.

Unfortunately, this meant that Golf Ball had a tough time with committing to friendships or even making them. She cut them off with the one reason being that she shouldn't invest herself into those kinds of things. She also desired a compliant assistant rather than a close friend of sort; she simply did not care about the concept of casual relationships nor did she bother to explore it further.

Tennis Ball on the other hand, thought otherwise. He is the assistant Golf Ball had been working with for years on end. He is that one assistant Golf Ball sought for. They never failed each other and were still operating together as a functional duo.

However, they didn't agree with everything they talked about. In this particular instance, Tennis Ball thought Golf Ball was being rather harsh with herself in thinking this way. There were some things you had to praise yourself for to boost your motivation, and Golf Ball denied herself of such things. Tennis Ball talked of these concerns to her when they were alone in the factory again, but she simply dismissed them.

"TB, I get that same satisfaction through learning and observation. I get enough happiness from finding my mistakes, fixing them, and moving on, so why should I waste my time congratulating myself when it doesn't make me happier than I am right now? I'll do that when my career is done, where I can look back on my magnificent creations and applaud myself then."

Tennis Ball's feet slowed down in pace a little bit while he walked along the metal floor with Golf Ball.

"But that's a bit harsh, isn't it? You literally have all of these side projects to do while we're doing nothing between episodes, and you do them all one after another without any breaks? I think you need to enjoy yourself and enjoy life once in awhile, this clearly isn't good for your health."

"I don't need a break, there's no need for one yet. Besides, I got you to help out with these side projects and look how fine we're doing! There's no problem there so I don't see why you're bringing my health up all of the sudden."

"It's just that you spend a lot of time on the mistakes when I feel you should be more proud of what you've done already. I dunno, it's just me though, I'm just saying what I'm thinking."

"Yeah, you're right, it is just you."

"Is it really? Huh. If that's what you say, then fine."

The one thing she wants is to overwork herself huh... Tennis Ball thought gravely.

I wish I could do more about it, but she's already so rooted in her ways.

The two did not talk to each other much after that, other than to tell each other simple commands. Golf Ball went on to design the stuff of her dreams, or rather work at creating products of her innovation and creation. While with Tennis Ball, he oversaw these machines and often stepped in wordlessly to help. They began fumbling around with screws and bolts that were frustrating to pick up, they reworked various parts multiple times, and they overall had difficulty in ensuring the total uniformity and sturdiness of the culmination of mechanisms.

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