Baskrtbel x m!stressed!reader

170 1 5

Bucketball + college student (who happens to be male)

*Basketball will be humanized to make this less awkward :)

I'm seriously busy mf

I like her. I liked her.

- Y/n

The days were cut short. You couldn't bear to look at her anymore; she always pestered you with those awful glints in her eyes. You couldn't bear to turn to the love of your life and show Basketball her reflection in your glossed over eyeballs.

There was no more energy to kiss her like you usually did and even less to pick her up in your arms. The wandering nights alone are gone—the intimate touching diminished into nothing.

Basketball was supposed to be your lovely, beautiful maiden and you felt you failed her in that very aspect.

Now that all sat at the back of your mind, those sharp yet foggy memories of you and Basketball.


The fire fizzled out into ashes, frail like fuzz on dandelions.

The passion dwindled into despicable whispers that taunted romance.

As you grimace in the mirror which stared back into your dulled eyes, you realized nothing. Blanks drew and seethed. You continue to wash your hands in this repetitive cycle.

The blanks grew larger until they swallowed you whole and cast the blinds over your sight. Your girlfriend stood by the dishes, coldly lavishing them in soured bubbles until you locked eyes. In that single instant, an invisible nod was passed between you both.

You trudged absentmindedly back to your office. Same old, same old.

Your head hurt like no tomorrow and your eyes found themselves in a strained drought. Your fingers held themselves back from working time to time, yet you insisted you type nonsense. Your body cried—but what use is a body to a mind who shuns it? Then again, what can you trust?

You did not bother to peek at the time, sitting in barely legible letters at the bottom right corner of the monitor. You continued to slave away at nothing.

Who did you fail? Everybody.

"Honey, I'm home." But she paid no regard. "Bae?"

Your tongue flinched from even saying it. Bae. Who the fuck?

But now the monitor relentlessly lit the night filled office; it was only you sitting by your desk. She was not here. In other words, Basketball was not here.

Deluded by work, deluded by life, you decided to work until your head exploded.


A laugh could be heard from the distance. It was Basketball, chatting with her friends to no end.

You ignore it all.

Your head hurt.

You felt the need to doze off into an infinite darkness.

You remembered the promise you made to Basketball, that one day the two of you will be married.

There were no more chances anymore. Each and every one of them, you failed it all, you did not want to change. You wanted to die and rot in a hole instead of cherishing your moments with her.

Things were supposed to be simple. You wanted it all to be simple, so you dozed off into an eternal hell.

And every chance she gave you to crawl back out by her hand, you shook it off. What did it all mean?

This relationship...all of it. What did it mean to you? Did you come here for Basketball?

Did you come here for a wife or a maid?

By the time you saw the end, you would have nothing to spark your youth again. This was it; an eternal hell; and one that you wouldn't complain about either. If Basketball didn't like it, then she can fuck off.

"Please, stop spouting nonsense! You work too much! Can't we just get even one day off for ourselves?"

"You're too far gone. I don't even know what's gotten into you anymore."

"You're saying this relationship is far from salvaging. If that's how you want it."

"I've come all the way here just for you and you treat me like this...?"

"I don't know what else to tell you other than snap out of it. Is this what you really want?"

"NO, NONONONONONONONONO!!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! FUCK YOU!!!!!! AAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!! In your dreams, fucker, you don't exist, you can never exist, what are you, a Basketball trying to BOSS ME AROUND?! Get yourself together you pathetic shit! Does it look like I'm a sports kinda Guy? No fucking way you dumbass bitch. No, no, no fucking way. Shut up for once, motherfucker, and go back to whence you came. I don't need you, I don't need anybody in this life. You are wasting ALL OF THE TIME I could have spent enjoying myself, and I need to waste it on YOU OUT OF ALL PEOPLE?!
I'm working my ass off, slaving at my incredibly unstable future and YOU WANT ME to CARE?! Come ooonnnn. You know better, bitch. Get the fuck out of here and never get in my way ever again. I fucking hate you. I wish we were never together in the first place."

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