shameless joke (penraser?!)

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ink dispenser (okay i think you can tell a bit that I'm obsessed with this guy hell he's literally the titular character on the cover) x slab of meat

(Sudden making out on bed warning I suppose, basically. I swear im just putting warnings here for the most random things ever, next time im probably making a warning for WRITING)

Feeling dirty + edgy

The way he's been looking at me lately was terrifying; it was as if his eyes were glued to my presence.

I had no clue as to why such a thing was happening, but maybe it was my bad luck.

"You literally had the chance to APOLOGIZE to him, why didn't you?!"

It was my best friend. He had told me that I had the opportunity to apologize to Tree for...whatever the hell happened back there.

"You could have at least acknowledged Tree's kindness, and yet you do this? Now your relationship with him is even worse." Eraser seethed. Why was he acting like my mom? Isn't this obvious?

"...And? What have I got to lose when this world HAS nothing to lose?" edgy

What did I just say...?

"You speak of it all like it has any real significance, we all know that IT TAKES PLACE IN MY BED!! ALL OF IT!"

Then I saw a smug looking Blocky spawn behind me raising his eyebrows all suggestive and shit

"You know what else is gonna take place in your bed tonight, ara ara~"



Eraser violently kissed me. He slipped his tongue into my mouth before I could have processed anything; his arms roughly slid around my body and pulled me in. It was a display of affection so strong it knocked us over onto the bed awaiting behind us.

A bed...I could just close my eyes here...

...and worry about nothing else. The only thing that mattered was indulging in Eraser's passionate pecks and kisses. Man were they the manliest thing ever. I could just practically immerse myself in them and drown in buckets of love, just like with these words describing our little gay moment!

What? Breaking the fourth wall? Haha, as if. It's a staple in these chapters, don't be too surprised (bruh moment)

Anyways we were casually making out on the bed that supported us (more like, hardcore making out on Eraser's part I didn't want to do anything out of shock). Then, I had just realized where I was at; I was lying down on the bed, face towards the ceiling. Eraser was, regrettably, right on top of me. Pinning me down with his arms...

He broke away from a long kiss that almost fucking choked me to death and stared into my lust-filled eyes. They seemed dull, but Eraser could still see the life in those that made them faintly glimmer. Seeing those slightly glossed over eyes probably brought him concern, as his hand reached out to gently clasp mine.

"You know what he said back there," Eraser murmured softly. "There's something else that should happen on your bed tonight...and it's not sleeping together in the way you think it is."

Uhhhh he wasn't taking THAT thing Blocky said seriously, right? Riiiight??? I felt more nervous by the minute as I shifted slightly on the bed, creating wrinkles on the mattress. My legs instinctively crossed themselves and stayed closer to each other.

"I—but Eraser, I haven't got a single chance to tell you something yet..."

"Wait, really?" He seemed confused, but he was willing to listen. Sadly, he was willing to listen to some fucked up shit.

"Uhh, well, in truth Eraser..." I gulped. The words almost caught themselves in my throat, but I managed. "...I'm gay."

"That's amazing Pen! I'm also gay for you—"

"I'm already Tree's boyfriend. Sorry."


"Wha—are you—this has to be a joke."

...What the actual shit. When was I ever Tree's boyfriend? And how? What kind of nonsense did I catch myself saying? Tree never agreed to that, I never asked him out, and all we did was argue with each other. What am I doing, cutting off one of my only relationships? What—

Suddenly, Eraser pulled out a revolver out of nowhere and held it furiously to my face. Before I had a chance to say anything more, he shot me 30 times to the head, effectively blowing out any piece of ballpoint brain I had left.

 Before I had a chance to say anything more, he shot me 30 times to the head, effectively blowing out any piece of ballpoint brain I had left

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A gory fountain of ink spilled and stained the bed sheets, some splattering onto Eraser's agonized expression. I was nothing more than a defect by this point, no life left in this corpse. My body lay limp on what once was a place for love, now a place housing a cold-blooded murder. Someone's gonna have a difficult time washing out those blankets and sheets, that's for sure. Maybe even the pillow as well.

It was quite something to behold at how the dark, flowing ink contrasted with the pearly white color of the bed.

For some reason I swore I heard Eraser's bawling and screams of pure betrayal and shock afterwards.

I never, ever, ever ever ever, wanted it to end. In fact, I had a shameless kink for listening to people in pain and myself included. I listened for as long as I could, and of course, the whole debacle did seem that it would last forever.

Until it all disappeared again
Until it all went back to zero, the clock was always resetting, always resetting, always repeating, rinse and repeat

"I'm alive again."

I said in yet another familiar world.

(do you want to see a joke version of this oneshot

Im kinda tired of writing nothing but depression)

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