The Journal of Mechanics and Biology
The human brain is designed to run based on a set of complex backup systems. For example, All aspects of visual perception are not located in the same area. If you are to destroy one aspect of the visual system they may be able to retain other aspects of that same system. For this reason it is rather difficult to fully remove the functioning of a single sensory aspect by damaging cortical tissue. However, due to the complexity of these backup systems within a human brain, the slightest malfunction can also cause a mass ripple affect throughout the entire brain.
An imbalance in their neurotransmission chemicals can cause system wide catastrophic failure which can lead to any number of problems including, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, etc.. Additionally, improper neural connections can also cause ripple effects in behavior. A defective connection between the prefrontal cortex and the amygdala is, perhaps, one of the most unsettling.
Though we know little about the subject, human studies have connected this to Antisocial Personality which can be further broken down into Sociopathy and Psychopathy. Specifically focusing on Psychopathy we find that a disconnect between the frontal lobe and the amygdala demonstrate a lack of empathy and the absence of fear. A human Psychopath often participants in extreme risky and criminal activity because they feel no fear worry or guilt, sensations which keep normal Humans within the bounds of their social law.
While many psychopaths do not become violent and prefer to work high risk business jobs, when they do get a taste for criminality, the results can be catastrophic. With a lack of fear and empathy, a human psychopath may see no issue with violent crimes against his own species.
As far as we know, there is no reasonable way to detect a human psychopath on short notice, but those who have had experience have indicated that, because of their heightened animalistic instincts, another human may feel uneasy when confronted with one. Though this way of telling is not always accurate, it should be taken under advisement that if a number of humans are uneasy around one of their own species, than it is best to stay clear.
Krill stood silently next to Captain Vir, as the ship's cargo ramp was lowered towards the dusty ground below. A cloud of red dust plumbed into the air before dispersing to show a wide expanse of flat, red rock broken, only distantly, by the occasional hill, and a windswept concrete structure surrounded on all sides by security fences and posted with guards.
Just below them, a dusty red jeep, a human vehicle, sat sides covered in a thick layering of red dust.
"Remind me again why we would take on such a risky mission." Krill asked quietly glancing nervously at the group of four guards and one prisoner standing quietly outside the vehicle.
Captain Vir gave a short laugh, and with a clank he took his first step forward onto the cargo ramp prosthetic foot clattering against the metal below him.
"It can't be that risky." He began, "It's just a prisoner transport.' Krill clattered onto the ramp after him making sure to stay behind the safety of the captain's larger form.
"Besides." The captain muttered, "No one else is willing to risk dealing with a human prisoner, so the galactic assembly contacted us personally."
Krill didn't much like that explanation, but he gave up trying to understand it as they made their way to the bottom of the ramp.
The captain showed no such worry making his way straight up to the group of guards as a few of the crew members clattered down the stairs behind them.
As was order by the galactic assembly, the human prisoner was bound with the proper human restraints including ankle chains wrist manacles and a belly chain all connected together to reduce his movement. Additionally, his mouth and nose were covered by a clear plastic spit-shield. The human didn't appear worried or agitated in the slightest. In fact, his posture was rather relaxed as he waited in the scorching desert sun.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.