"We can't stop them, they are hemmed in by the mountains, guarded on all sides and they shoot down any aircraft that dares to come close with supporting troops. Before our informant was killed he managed to send us a message that the Gnar'lak have reverse engineered Finnari rocket technology and from there plan to leave the planet destroying it completely on the way out." There was silence in the council chamber as the statement set in. All around, the grand halls echoed with the shuffling of many feet.
"Why.... what is the point of that?"
The council turned to find the human delegation looking more than a little confused.
The Finnari representative sighed deeply, "Their hatred of us has been a core trait of their species for centuries. Once upon a time they fed upon our peoples life force for nourishment. We were kept as livestock to fuel their hunger until eventually escaping their control, but by that time evolution had taken it's course. They must drain us to live, and are completely unsuited to empathy towards us, which would make consuming us that much more difficult. In essence they were designed to hate us, and now that the technology exists to sustain them, they have no real reason to stay." He hummed thoughtfully, "Then there is, of course, their grudge against the humans."
The human council seemed surprised, "Grudge, what grudge."
The Finnari whistled amused "May I remind you, Commander, that once upon a time you and your crew single handedly defeated one of their greatest armies saving us from enslavement and possible extinction."
The commander's mouth opened in a surprised, "Oh, right. I forgot about that. I didn't realize it had been such a heavy blow. It was one battle after all, and we only pushed them back."
"You Killed nearly all of their mature mating females."
"Oh..... whoops."
He waved a hand, "No matter, the point is their population took a heavy hit and it will take decades for them to rebuild, if they recover at all. Either way they plan on destroying the planet out of spite for us and for you who sided with us."
"Does that seem a bit of an over reaction to everyone else, or is that just me?" The commander glanced around the room for support.
"If they had a true name, Commander, I am sure the phrase "over reaction" would be in the title.... Now the true issue is how to even bother lying siege on them. The mountains make it impenetrable, all large ground vehicles, and low flying jets will be shot down. Not to mention that the terrain is not suited for large amounts of troops or military vehicles."
The human Commander stood and walked forward to examine the map, "This can be delt with.... But it depends on how many of them you'd be willing to kill." The room went very silent, and the human looked up "Guided missiles, nuclear weapons, artillery, or biological warfare. There are plenty of ways to deal with the issue, the biggest problem is that most of them will be lethal.... Likely for the entire remaining population."
No one spoke for the longest time, until the chairwoman leaned forward in her seat, "As dire as this situation may be commander, we would rather avoid such extreme measures. Not to mention that their anti-air defences are sophisticated enough to intercept a missile and if that was nuclear you'd be affecting the entire planet."
The man tapped his chin then paused, "How sophisticated is their system?"
"Quite radar pared with physics analysis mark objects based on speed, shape, movement and density. Anything larger than ten units, or ten pounds, traveling over 200 miles per hour, with an aerodynamic shape, and moving on a predictable vector course will be targeted."

Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.