
3.9K 136 46

Report ID 2241570

Author Krill


I have.... Recently been made aware that my, behavior during these reports have been, unprofessional, and aggressive. I am apparently scaring the scientists who are analyzing my data, so for that I apologize, and I will try to reduce my..... language and aggression to a more inhuman level.

I have been aboard this human ship longer than I care to say, and.... while aboard, I have learned some things, some horrible things about humans. As, mammals, humans and other species on their planet have various.... Over complicated mating rituals in order to secure another mate, as it turns out, the humans will go through pain, body modification, and torture to make themselves appear more attractive to a potential mate.

1. First of all, the simple things, that may not seem so worrisome which include.

a. Laying gelatinous color compounds over their skin and then smearing it in to make their skin appear different colors, or even create the illusion of changed bone structure. These same compounds are placed around the eyes or on the lips usually in bright colors to make those parts of the body stand out

b. Additionally, a similar waxy substance can be painted over the claws of the hands and feet to change their color.

c. The hair can also be colored as well, though I cannot be sure if this is used as a sign of distinctive personality or as a way to make one's self appear attractive to mates.

d. Humans have this odd habit of covering themselves up with clothes, a habit unknown on other planets accept for the use of spacesuits. The Drev are known for the wearing of extra armor to augment their carapace, but not in the way that humans wear clothes. Different items of clothing are designed to highlight the sexually attractive features of either party.

e. Usually women, but sometimes men, will wear shoes that force their heels above their toes flexing the muscles on the back of the legs. Overtime this will cripple the feet and strain the tendons

2. Now onto the operations I find a little more.... Disturbing.

a. Teeth are very important to humans.... At least the humans in this part of the hemisphere.

b. They use caustic chemicals to bleach and whiten them, scouring their own mouths with bristles in order to keep them in pristine condition. These chemicals are known to be poisonous, so poisonous that the humans will NOT swallow the gel.

c. If they decide that their teeth are not perfect enough, than they glue brackets and wires into place FORCING the teeth too slowly and painfully become straight over time.

d. They RIP unwanted teeth out of their mouths, and SOMETIMES the humans are awake for this procedure, but often they are high because why not

e. They use caustic chemicals on their hair, and then burn it to force it into the correct position.

f. They are obsessed with hair removal. They will run blades across their skin ro remove it, they will put caustic chemicals to make the air fall out, they will use wax TO RIP THE HAIR FROM THEIR BODIES.

3. Humans are never happy with their bodies, and they will do ABSOLUTELY anything to change them.

a. They break their own bones and regrow them in different positions.

b. They inject chemicals under their skin with tiny needles.

c. They spend hours and hours tearing their muscles open and regrowing them to become larger. Usually coming with reducing their caloric intake until they are barely eating functionally starving themselves for a beauty standard created by a computer.

d. When not eating and exercise doesn't work, the humans will turn to surgical body modification to do it.

i. They will implant additions to their butts, breasts, pecks, cheekbones and everything else.

ii. They will inject chemicals into their into their lips to make them bigger.

iii. They will surgically redo their noses, and sometimes, this doesn't work out leaving them crippled or disfigured.

iv. They will cut themselves open AND SUCK THE FAT OUT WITH A MOTHER F......F...... WITH A VACUME CLEANER PRETTY MUCH!"

*Slamming and clattering in the background" "Incoherent yelling.*

4. *sigh* Humans will do anything in the name of beauty.

a. Have I told you how about, a while ago, humans in certain Asian countries would BREAK CHILDREN'S FEET to make them smaller and more desirable? THEY BREAK CHILDREN'S FEET!!!!!

b. They break their teeth to make them pointy in certain areas of the world.

c. They use toxin produced by clostridium botulinum, one of the most deadly toxins in the world, which in minute doses can cause completely paralysis causing the victim to eventually suffocate against their own lungs.

d. ....

e. ....

f. And what do the humans do with it..... WHAT DO THEY DO!



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