Alien: *walks into the recreation hall to see human watching something. Humans snorts*
Alien "Human, what's wrong with you. Do you have something stuck in your face?"
*human looks up smiling*
Human: *Sorry, I was just watching this really funny video, and couldn't help but laugh."
Alien *walks into a room to see a group of humans laughing together much more loudly this time*
Alien, "What are you humans doing?"
Humans *waves hands still laughing*
"Ramirez just told a really funny joke"
Allien: You are louder now than you were before.
Humans: Laughing with people is more fun than laughing alone
Alien *Walks into room without knocking, accidentally runs into half naked huma. Human jumps, stands there for a moment and then starts laughing*
Alien *about to apologize instead* What's so funny, I just invaded your privacy
Human: *still laughing; shrugs* Because I'm embarrassed, so its either laugh or make things awkward for both of us."
Alien: I mean that doesn't make sense, but ok."
Alien *walks into room*
Human department superior: And so I say what's the motor with you... see you get because a car has a motor.
Humans: *laughing unenthusiastically*
Alien *After boss leaves* Why did you laugh? That wasn't even funny?"
Humans: because he's our boss, we're supposed to laugh to make him feel good about himself
Alien: I thought humans laughed when something was funny or awkward.
Humans: We laugh if we want to keep our jobs.
Alien *Sighs in annoyance, but is used to this by now*
*human –doing something stupid– falls heavily and it looks very painful. All around them, the humans are quiet*
Fallen human *stands back up* I'm ok!
Humans: *laugh*
Alien *in frustration* Why are you laughing! He's bleeding and could have died!
Human: Yeah but he didn't.
Alien: Why though!
Human: Because we are relieved. Humans laugh when they are relieved.
Alien *storms off in frustration*
Alien *steps into a room just as another human is running out beat red, eyes angry hands clenched. Aggressive laughter follows him as he goes*
Alien *confused* Why are you laughing, that human seems very upset.
Humans: Because he deserved to be laughed at
Alien: Isn't laughing a good thing though. Why would he be upset at that
Humans: Because laughing at someone is considered rude, you can laugh with them, but laughing at them or about them isn't
Alien: then why would you do it?
Human: because he was behaving inappropriately, being an asshole, and he needed to be put in his place. Humans don't want to tolerate inappropriate social behavior
Alien *grumbles in annoyance but goes with it*
Humans an alien *in a dark spooky place suddenly startled by loud noise. Humans scream and then begin to laugh*
Alien *growing more frustrated* Why are you laughing now! That wasn't funny! No one is making you laugh and we aren't ridiculing anyone!
Humans: It's because we are relieved. Humans laugh to let each other know everything is ok, because you don't laugh when things are dangerous, so hearing other people laugh is a sign to tell everyone to relax.
Alien *suppose it makes sense. Is still annoyed though.*
Alien *is helping human get a splinter out of their hand. It is taking a while and being stubborn*
Human: ow ouch! OW! *Human begins laughing*
Alien *Slams tweezers down in frustration* WHY! WHY are you laughing! This isn't funny at all! I am HURTING you. You are in PAIN.
Human *still giggling* I know, I'm sorry. I laugh when I'm in pain.
Alien BUT WHY!
Human: Because it helps to lessen the pain. If I laugh it hurts less. I suppose it's also a soothing thing. If I'm laughing maybe I can trick my brain into thinking I am ok?"
Alien *Thinking about bashing his head against a wall*
Alien *Walks into the captain's office.* Sir we have a problem
Human *repeatedly, though gently, ramming his forehead against the desk* what now, what in my day could possibly go wrong now! Literally the worst day ever. Come on in just keep piling it on!
Alien: *nervous* there has been an outbreak of a very contagious pathogen starting with the docking crew i thought you should know-
Human: *begins laughing*
Alien: *dumbfounded* Why would you be laughing now. You just said it was the worst day ever.
Human *looks up* I am laughing because its kind of ironic. Plus I am also laughing because its either laugh or cry."
Alien *Slowly walks out of the room, heads back to the office. Tosses all their research on humans into the air and then hides under the desk for the foreseeable future*
No matter how bad or confusing humans seem, they always manage to get worse.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.