If he could just remember how.....
And there it was floating in some unknown part of his psyche, a place where it shouldn't have been, but it was. He remembered.
He keyed his mike and boosted the signal. He could hear other voices now, the voices of his crew searing for him, trying their best to find him, "Listen to me." His voice was hard and slurred as his brain struggled to remember how to speak, struggled to find his jumbled thoughts.
"Captain where are you!"
"We're coming captain, just hold on."
Above him, the queen loomed massive and imposing, a destroying angel to what she saw as sin, a blight of lies upon her reckoning. Could he really blame her, their realities were so different, people couldn't understand things that were different from them. They feared what they did not understand, and then they destroyed it. She was doing what she thought was best, he could feel that.
Didn't mean he wanted to die this way though.
"I'm sorry." He slurred into the mike, "Lieutenant, if you're listening.... The crew is yours. Take them back to earth..... tell me family I love them." He struggled for more words against his barely functioning consciousness, "Krill, I'm sorry, you were right, and I should have listened. Get yourselves out of here if you can..... I think their brain waves are messing with our radio equipment. Try changing the frequency, and you should be fine." More tears billowed into his vision, and unable to wipe them away his vision was obscured.
He had been close to death before, but never like this. It was always with someone else. He hadn't been alone, he had had all of his thoughts, his memories to hold onto, his fiends even though they weren't there. There were a lot of things he wished he could have done. He wished that he could see his parents one last time, mostly his mother so he could apologize for causing her so much pain. He wished he could have seen her finally get alone with Sunny, to finally drop her grudge. He wish he could have seen his new adopted nephew, David's son.
He wished he hadn't been so scared to date, to find someone, to actually tell people what he felt about them. But now he would never have the chance.
He thought about Sunny, would she take over the Drev clan once he was gone. Was she ready to lead? Maybe she would give it over the Cannon.
"Captain, where are you."
"Captain, just hang tight we're coming."
He barely heard them, "Sunny, I'm sorry, Take care of Waffles, she likes you, and she's going to need someone." He could feel the things mind encroaching in on him again slowly pouring in to fill all of the gasps in his head, "Sunny, I-"
He felt his consciousness slipping away. He tried to hold onto it to repeat to himself who he was and what he remembered.
"My name is Adam Allen Vir, I'm the Captain of a UNSC ship, my best friends are Sunny and Krill, I have a dog, My mother's name is Martha I have three, no two, NO four siblings I.... My name is Adam Vir, I'm captain of a space ship, m-my best friends are aliens.... dog, my mother's name is Martha. My name is Adam, I am.... I fly a Spaceship, I have... friends, and a mother." His body was growing cold, his voice even more slurred, "My names is.... My-my name..... is.... I.... don't remember."
He gasped, "My name is Adam."
The mind began to recede. Something struggled inside his head. A wall of thoughts and memories swirled around his insides like a vortex blocking him from the swelling, crushing power of the outside. His memories came flooding back in their jumbled state of mess, but at least he knew where they were. He could feel his body now could see.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.