The Plot

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The interior of the GA galactic laboratories was bright white and bustling with frantic movement. A group of straight backed humans marched down the center of the hallway in unintentional synchronization causing an additional unintentional aura of power to bubble up around them pushing the bustling alien scientists to the side wide eyed and staring, when they possessed eyes.

Behind them, a cluster of GA representatives struggled to keep pace with the powerful strides of the humans, all accept for the chairwoman of the GA assembly, who followed with her easy stride, not all that dissimilar to the movement of an ostrich, on her long three toed legs, and the tall, regal silver plated Drev in his ceremonial armor.

The group of humans drew to a stiff halt in synchronization two figures stepped into the hall to block their passing, one human and the other Drev.

The newcomer raised his hand in a sharp salute, which was returned crisply by the other uninformed humans. A single green eye glittered from under the brim of a captain's cap. Two sets of wings glittered on the man's lapels. As he lowered his gloved hand, and shifted into a more comfortable position, a glimmer of blue alien carapace peered out from under his grey pant leg.

"I hope you have some answers for us, Commander." The woman at the spearhead of the group stated lifting her chin in minute challenge to the man.

At the back of the group, the GA chairwoman shifted, pressing her way up and through the group of humans keeping her head high and her posture calm despite being surrounded by her more intimidating UNSC counterparts, "Yes, Commander, the assembly is particularly interested in your findings." She glanced at one of the humans as the large dark pupil turned to examine her with a disapproving look, "Of course we understand the importance to your species if what we have heard is, in fact, true."

Commander Vir gave a sharp nod unsettling many of the committee members with its alien swiftness, "All of your questions will be answered in due time." He turned on the spot and motioned them down the hall after him, "You will forgive me if my involvement in this seems somewhat personal, but you must understand, all of these incidents have had a direct affect on my crew in one way or another." He took a corner with the small female Drev marching at his side.

"At first we thought all the incidents were unrelated, but as we took a closer look, things changed, and not for the better."

"Are you going to continue to be cryptic Commander, or do you plan to give us answers at some point." The Large silver Drev barked voice mostly drowned out by the subcutaneous translation implants.

Commander Vir took another corner and stopped in front of a doorway before pausing to look around the group, "Are any of you particularly susceptible to telepathy?"

"Telepathy." one of the humans scoffed, "What do you mean telepathy, boy."

The commander turned to look at him, "I mean Colonel, the mind to mind communication employed by the race of extraterrestrials common known as Starborn?" The group turned to look at each other before, one by one, shaking their heads.

"Good." He turned as the female drev pulled open the door for the group of him, and they stepped inwards to find a large room filled with equipment on one end and maps on the other end staffed by a team of humans, drev and others.

At the far end of the room, near the energy containment units stood a tall, dark haired female human, and a Vrul. Floating beside them was a strange eerie creature, humanoid in appearance surrounded by a fanning of hundreds of white ribbons spilling off its quartz white skin.

It turned to look at them with large dark eyes.

"Keep it Civil, Convict." The commander snapped as he walked forward passing the bustling group of scientists and towards the strange creature. The UNSC and GA representatives stepped hesitantly into the room as the ethereal white creature gilded towards them. It stopped just in front of the admiral who grew very still very quickly back ramrod straight as it stared into the creature's eyes.

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