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"Stop fidgeting will you."

"Sorry! I'm just nervous..... Do I look stupid."

"You always look stupid, that's not going to change anytime soon."

"Ha ha, Hilarious, Just answer the question."

"You look fine stop worrying."

Adam turned to face the mirror tugging at the sleeves of his dress shirt, fidgeting obsessively with his tie, and the open front of his jacket. Conn floated over his shoulder grinning somewhat malevolently at him.

Krill slapped his hand as he tried to reach for the tie again, "Stop messing with it. Look what you did now. We will have to do it all over again."

The little doctor angrily undid the tie and began to redo it.

Adam sighed, "Thanks mother."

"Don't give me your sass." he finished tying the knot stepping back so Adam had room to button the vest back up before turning around to face the mirror. Conn had sidled over to the side of the room still leering at him as he was prone to do.

He tried to ignore him and eyed himself feeling more than a little strange in such formal attire, a three piece suit minus an eye patch, and plus a shiny pair of dress shoes he could have seen his reflection in. He reached up to grab his tie again, but his hand was slapped away.

"What did I say!"

"Sorry, Sorry." he grumbled pulling back to message his hand .

There was a hiss as the door at the far end of the room popped open, and Sunny stepped inside trailed by waffles, "Look." Sunny began, pointing proudly towards the dog, who trotted into the room to sit politely before Adam looking up at him with her big brown eyes head tilted slightly to the side.

He laughed, "Is that a bow tie?"

Sunny Hummed to herself, pleased, "Why yes, yes it is. She's adorable and you're welcome."

He reached down to rub the dog's ears before looking up, "You look nice."

"I know." Sunny announced striking a rather, heroic pose, which, all jesting aside, actually completed the look: bright silver armor, a horned helmet, all pulled together by the electric blue silk cape that hung at one shoulder.

"Wish I could wear a cape." He frowned crossing his arms in mild dejection.

"Why not?"

"What do you mean why not?"

"This is the movie industry, Adam, they wear outlandish stuff onto the red carpet all the time."

He seemed rather miffed at the observation, mostly from the fact he hadn't thought of that before, "Well now it's a little too late, don't you think?"

"Sucks to suck, you look good though."

He sighed and turned back towards the mirror adjusting himself, "I look like a poser."

"Stop worrying so much, and stop fidgeting. The fidgeting is what makes you look like a poser. Relax and own it, you know for someone who spends a lot of his time unwaveringly confident to the point that I worry about your health, you can be very insecure sometimes."

"Thank you so much! for that boost of confidence, Sunny."

His sarcasm wasn't lost on her, though she chose, rather obviously to ignore it.

"There is one thing I think you should do."

"Oh, and what is that."

"Put the eyepatch back on. Be you, just the fancier version. I have a theory that the reason people aren't comfortable is because they aren't being themselves."

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