"Before we get started, I just wanted to make sure that it is known that all parties involved in these videos have agreed to let me use their footage for training purposes, though they may not be used for anything else in accordance with Human Medical Privacy Laws. These tapes will go directly to the intergalactic college of interspecies biology and medicine. Those who are found to use this footage in any way contrary to its original purpose will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law"
The camera turns on shaking form side to side over the floor spinning quickly from the right and then to the left before finally leveling out on an image of a hallway. The Vrul scuttles along the floor with great purpose small fleet clattering against the cold metal. He turns to look at the camera, "I just got a call up the Medical bay for a human in significant respiratory distress also complaining of chest pain, so we are going to head up there and see what is going on. Now I have been the operational medical officer aboard this ship for a while now, and I have seen almost everything there is to see. Doing medicine for humans is.... Well it's a wild ride simply because of their combination of durability and breakability. They break horribly easily and in horrific ways, but are able to live through it when they do, and that leaves it up to the medical staff to make sure that they are quickly treated so that the shock of their injuries doesn't send them down the road of you know.... Not being alive."
They hurried up a hallway following after the little doctor pausing for a few seconds before the medical bay doors which opened with a hiss. A wave of sound washes over the camera, people talking and someone breathing rather heavily. The camera pans up to show a group of humans gathered around a third sitting on the edge of one of the hospital beds. They are breathing fast and heavy a hand on their chest eyes wide panicked.
The crowd opens up as the little doctor walks in.
"What do we have?"
"30 year old male with racing heart, difficulty breathing, tingling hands, dizziness, and chest pain."
The human was breathing even harder now looking around frantically, "I....I....I'm dying..... I think I'm having a heart attack.....I can't breathe."
"Alright, let's get an EKG going first thing." The little doctor gets to work very quickly all four arms working as he begins to speak, "Now the obvious worry here is the case of chest pain, which in humans can be an indication of a heart attack. Now the heart is a very major organ in a human, and acts as a pump to move blood around the body. The blood contains oxygen and infection fighting cells etc. With a heart attack one of those little vessels in the organ is blocked, usually by plaque or fatty deposits causing death in parts of the heart muscle. Now this human is generally too young and too fit for any of that to happen..." He turns to the human, "Is there a history of heart attack or heart disease in your family?"
The human shakes their head.
"Has this every happened to you before?"
Another head shake.
The doctor ripped off a couple of sticky white circles and attached them to the human's chest, "Now this will give us a good look of what is going on in there." There was a pause for a minute as they continued working.
The doctor glanced at the instruments once the information began coming in, "Alright, so this is good news, the heart IS beating fast, but there does not appear to be any blockage, and it is not fast enough to be considered tachycardia. Also their blood oxygen level is within acceptable range meaning that it isn't likely to be some other issue. Now that leaves our post likely option as being a panic attack."
He walked over to the human to get their attention, "Do you have a history of anxiety disorder in your family?"
"A few .... Uncles." He panted, "But it has to be.... A heart attack."

Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.