"And so you see, it turns out that Senator Palpatine was Darth Sidious the entire time, and he manipulated the entire system into voting him in as emperor using Anikin to destroy the Jedi council and the next generation of Jedi in training thus securing his position as the most powerful man in the galaxy."
Sunny turned her head to Look at Adam Who rested against one of her shoulders using the armor slots in her back to support his weight as they walked through the halls. Their time in warp space was generally a very relaxed time, seeing as most operations aboard the ship were generally entirely automated leaving him with no captaining duties, and her with no security duties.
Taking walks had kind of turned into their thing, and Adam seemed determined to catch her up on the last two thousand years of popular science fiction. He swore that he had copies of all of these movies somewhere, but knowing how Adam was with organization, she doubted he would ever find it.
So far though she had heard fantastic tales everywhere from hard core touristic science fiction to space westerns to weird crosses of satirized science fiction disguised as serious science fiction. She wondered if he realized that he didn't need all the science fiction geekery considering that he was actually captaining a space ship....
But then again she liked listening to him, so saw no reason to stop him.
There was a silence for a moment before.
"What about the Drev? Do you guys have any stories, myths, oral traditions, anything like that?"
Sunny shrugged thinking, "Not to the degree that humans do, most of it is simply religious in nature to do with creation and the spirits, and how the different fighting styles were discovered"
"Well that sounds interesting. We talking like Kung Fu master meditates in a cave for forty years sort of thing.... Or am i being sacrilegious?"
She laughed, "No, to both. There isn't a lot of discussion about the topic, they were warriors.... Generally saints, I guess you could say, and mostly the stories follow the same general structure. Their great clan is being threatened by an uprising power, and it seems as if their greater weaponry and numbers are going to destroy the saint's home, so in a cry of desperation to the spirits, he wanders off into the wilderness. Generally it follows that he, or she, catches sight of a flame, a spore carried on a gust of wind, or the trickling of a stream, and in it they see some sort of movement that reminds them of fighting. Following the prompting of the spirits, and the movement of, whatever it is, they slowly develop a fighting style that is just enough to break the battle and bring their clan to victory."
He tilted his head before raising his hand.
She shook her head, "Yes, you on the back."
"He kneed her in the ribs for that before, "Hold on, I was under the impression that there was a fighting style for stone."
"So you're telling me that some poor sod was out waiting for the spirits to give him a premonition and he saw.... A rock."
Sunny laughed, "No! It's not like that."
He grinned and continued, "And he emulated the movement of the rock."
"Stop being such a bastard." She snorted, "It was a mountain, and he noticed the natural veins running through the stone, and the hard lines that they made with each other, ad emulated THAT."
"Maybe he thought if he stood still long enough, he could confuse them."
She shook her head at him, and he laughed, "So, what fighting style is your favorite?"

Empyrean Iris Story Collection
Science FictionA growing collection of Humans are Space Orcs stories that details the adventures of Dr. Krill, Adam Vir, Sunny, and other crew members of the harbinger as they fight to explore deep space.