Secret Dreams

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"He has me."

The Vrul council spun in place comical looks of shock plastered over their faces, so comical that they could almost be read as shock by your average human.

What they saw was in fact, a human, but not a particularly average one.

Commander Adam Vir Stood just before the lip of the drop messaging the palms of his hands which were red and inflamed.

One of the council members floated forward, "How?"

The human looked up dropping his hands to his sides, "You are going to have to be more specific, "How did I escape your guards, how did I get up the tower, how did I know where you were?"

THe council chamber remained silent as the human walked a few more feet onto the floor. Around the room the Vrul guard and council shifted nervously as the predator approached them across the open floor boots thudding softly as he did so. Light poured in from one side of the glass enclosure bathing him in a warm yellow glow.

"How about, all of the above." The Vrul council member said floating calmly at the edge of the circle.

"Well The first is simple." He held up his hands and began to clap very slowly, as he continued he began to add soft rhythmic variations to the beat finally joining his voice tying the rhythm together. As soon as he began variations on the rhythm the entire room grew unsteady, and as he added his voice they began to lose muscle tone slouching to one side.

He stopped almost as soon as he began and they perked back up immediately, "Dr. Krill calls it rhythmic syncope with secondary resulting cataplexy." He glanced over at his friend, "If I remember correctly. I am not a doctor of course. I guess this is a result of having unconnected cortical hemispheres that are required to do manual pattern recognition in an auditory setting. It tends to overload the neural network, and since your auditory function is located close to the motor cortex, it can have secondary side effects. I simply used this to get past your guards. No one could touch me as long as I kept up some sort of rhythm, not exactly difficult for a human." The room was very silent as he motioned back towards the hole, "As for getting up here." The human held up his hands, "Primate, I was originally evolved for climbing. The guide wires were a little small, and my hands kind of hurt, but I'm not complaining."

He stepped a little further into the room next to krill now.

His guards backed away.

"As for knowing where you were.... Well i find that the ruling class, no matter the species, likes to put themselves above others, figuratively but often physically." He looked around the room, "Pretty true to form I think, up here in your glass tower surrounded by sunlight while those below work in the long arm of your shadow."

"What do you want, human?"

"Why do you force yourself into business that is not yours?"

The human folded his hands behind his back, "I had hoped you would understand my point by way of demonstration but it seems that the subtle nuance of posturing has no bearing on you, so let me explain in simple terms. I talked my way onto your planet, and now I have proven that you cannot stop me. With the simple clap of my hands your are immobilized. At any time I could have walked away with my friend unhindered." He looked around the room, "YOu must understand at this point that I still could. You wouldn't be able to stop me."

Krill could see by their posture that they understood very well what kind of threat the human was.

"And I will if I have to."

The Vrul managed to remain surprisingly calm, "Then why haven't you."

"Because the Dr. wasn't the only one affected when our species came together."

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