Second Contact

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The Bran struggled with complete shock and confusion. Fear ran rampant through their ranks as they spied quietly on the horrid predators from a distance. After the initial contact, subsequent chase and eventual first meeting, the creatures had retreated backwards towards their strange craft with their subordinate creature in tow.

After the creatures had left, the Bran had contacted the galactic assembly for immediate military assistance to deal with the hostile invader. The galactic assembly had been skeptical on the nature of the creatures, and their supposed aggression, but all reports of the creature's species index had come up negative.

They could have told them that. The entire galaxy would have been alerted long ago if a creature like this had appeared. First of all because of their nature as a predator species, that was almost unheard of across the galaxy and definitely unheard of in sentient life.

Examining them from a distance, a few thing became clear, the odd creatures had a definite hierarchy, the first creature contacted was definitely the subordinate member of the pack, and seemed to be receiving punishment for running off. Additionally, it seemed that they had a coordinated communication system, or, a language set. Immediate postulation marked the odd grunting, humming, clicking, and hissing as the source of their communication.

Representatives of the Galactic Assembly, and linguistic experts would be on site within the next hour, hopefully with a contingent of solders to take care of the problem. The Bran had always mistrusted creatures that could shrug off the effects of dihydrogen monoxide.

"I said I'm sorry." 2 Lieutenant Vir complained from where he sat on the asteroids rocky surface.

The rest of the landing team gathered around him with looks of anger and disapproval, "What the hell were you thinking, chasing after that thing by yourself. You could have been killed, or worse, eaten alive."

He went to open his mouth, but Captain Kelly cut him off, "Never mind that, first." She turned away engaging the com on her helmet, "Alpha 1 to Enterprise, Enterprise do you copy, over."

"Copy Alpha 1, this is Enterprise, over."

"W.... We have contact.... Sentient life.... We have made contact..." She trailed off in disbelief

"Say again Alpha 1."


Static, "I.... I hear you Alpha 1, readying contact teams."

"Sent the linguist down, will you, we may need her."

Lieutenant Vir sighed in frustrated annoyance turning to look out at the vastness of space, it was, intoxicating. He was going to have to get used to it.

He blinked, and all of a sudden his eyes widened, "Captain!"

"Alpha 1.....

There was a long pause of awe, "I see it." As the massive – silver ship glided towards them.

The landing team came in quick and fast surrounding the small landing craft and the group of towering creatures. Plasma weapons were readied, and countermeasures were made as the small group of predators huddled themselves together in a tight circle.

They hummed and clicked at each other in that frantic way they had.

"Are those exoskeletons." One solider whispered to another

The creature frowned, "What else could it be....?"


"I suppose." He responded skeptically. The circle of predators shifted, and the entire circle stepped aggressively forward determined to show their power and dominate this new, unknown species.

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